It was halloween night and Tom was still out at rehearsal. I had gotten back from the store with the pumpkins for us to carve hours ago and he still was not here.
I was getting to be inpatient and upset. I slid my laptop from the other side of the table to where I was sitting and opened it to twitter. My feed was mostly the band because that was all I really followed.
Just then a thread of photos came onto my computer screen. The captions were:
"Tom kaulitz new girlfriend?"
"Tom kaulitz cheater?????"
"Tom kaulitz and Y/n over with???"I could not believe what I was seeing. The photos were of Tom at a party grabbing on a girls ass and kissing her. My heart was in my throat.
Just then, the front door opened. Tom walked over to me and I could smell the liquor on his breath. "Hi love." He whispered, leaning in for a kiss.
I pushed him away and he huffed at me. "Do you maybe want to explain these?" I said turning the computer, as tears already began to form in my eyes.
"It's just a friend y/n oh my god. You're such a hypocrite." My eyes went wide. "Me? Hypocrite?" I shouted out as I stood up. "You heard me. Plus that girl at the party was way more fine than you." He said, as he jerked his neck at me.
I picked my purse from off the table and opened the front door to leave. "Wait y/n-" I could hear him say. I ignored the white noise of him talking and left.
This was requested but do y'all understand the title??? Cheater and pumpkin because it's holloween BASHAHAHHAA (I'm so funny) 😝
Pt2???? 😈😈😈