Chapter Four

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The steps grew closer and closer and suddenly came a knock on the door. The door opened and revealed a smiling face. "Hey there buddy! Ready for your test?" 'Not really' is what George wanted to say, "I suppose so." The doctor smiled, "I know you must be nervous but don't worry I've been doing this for two-hundred years. No pain will be involved." "Not worried as much about that, more worried about the results." The doctor gave a nod, "I remember my first test and boy was I nervous. But out of the two-hundred years of me working here I haven't had but only a total of fifty-seven people test as one-hundred percent Corrupted, and as far as I know they're living a happy life." That was comforting to hear and brought down some of his anxiety. "Mind answering a few questions for me?" "Not at all." The doctor sat down on a rolling chair and gave a quick spin. He pulled out a chart and a pen, "So do you have powers and if you do what are they?" George shrunk down in his seat and the room felt ten degrees hotter. "I don't have any powers." George said shamefully. "No need to sweat it I can still run the test on you perfectly fine. You may just be a late bloomer and start developing powers when you turn twenty or so." George could only hope so. "Okay! Moving on to the next question. Any allergies that I should be aware of?" George shook his head. "Alrighty" he said checking something off the chart. "You afraid of needles or anything? I will have to do a blood test." "Not at all, though I'm not a fan of them." The doctor chuckled, "Me neither." He gave his chair another quick spin. "Alrighty let's get started!" He pulled out a glass jar and put it in front of George on a table. "So I know you said you don't have powers, but you're still going to attempt to move this jar off the table." George looked confused. "How do I do that?" "Just concentrate on it and try and think of pushing it. That's pretty much all." George watched as the doctor pushed it forward and back again to the original position. He wish he could do that. "What I'm going to do is scan your forehead and measure if there is any slight force that is just not quite strong enough to move the jar." He thought for a second. "So you want me to just look at it and try thinking of moving it and it should move?" The doctor nodded, "Now it may not move but there might be a weak force that I can measure." The doctor pulled out a weird looking contraption with a red laser being projected. He hovered the contraption over his head until it lined up with his forehead perfectly. "Whenever you're ready George." He focused on the glass jar. Thinking of a invisible hand that was pushing the jar away. Nothing happened. He tried again but really strained this time. Nothing happened. He continued to do so until the doctor said "Stop.". George wiped sweat off his head. "So what next-" He stopped talking. The doctor had a shocked look on his face. Seconds past and he finally gained the courage to say something. "Anything wrong doctor?" Another few seconds past. "It's too soon to tell. Let's continue with the tests." "What's too soon to tell?" The doctor shook his head. "It will be best to tell you later to confirm this. For now we need to continue with the tests." He went to a cabinet and pulled out a syringe. "We're going to do a blood test and check your blood pressure." George nodded. "Alright this will only feel like a pinch." He said as he drawed his blood. It didn't hurt but felt super uncomfortable. The doctor wrapped a band-aid over the needle puncture. Walking over to a different table he put the blood sample under a microscope and stared at it for a while. "Okay so we're going to do the telekinesis test again but this time I'm also going to take your blood pressure at the same time." He said walking over to George. Why would he need to do both at the same time? The doctor put a strap around his arm and sat the jar in front of him. "Once I say 'start' you need to start trying to push the jar with your mind." "Okay." The doctor switched the blood pressure machine on and the strap around his arm inflated with air. "Start." said the doctor and George began straining with all his strength to move the jar. The doctor began to scan his forehead. After a minute or two he said, "Stop." George did as instructed. The doctor ran over to the blood sample and looked under the microscope. George noticed how his attitude changed from happy to a shock or fear. He scribbled on the chart in his hand while looking at the blood sample, blood pressure rating, and results from the forehead scanner. At this point there was a huge anxiety build up for George. Who knew what the test results were. The doctor shrunk in his chair wiping sweat off his face. "Do you want your parents here before I tell you your results?" "What does that mean. Should I be worried?" The doctor looked at him, "It could be worse but it's also not a bad thing either. So. Do you want to see your results?" A question George didn't know how to answer. He tapped his finger rapidly, a nervous habit of his, "Show me." Curiosity took over, and even though he wasn't ready for the results he couldn't withstand not knowing. "Here you are then," replied the doctor handing him over the chart.

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