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- june has finally arrived and everyone was packed up and ready to go but they had to make a quick wait on  the aunt and uncle-

 they saw multiple cars pull up and kids had become excited  domi had hopped out the car and  flew up the stairs harvey was right behind her making sure she didn't fall she knocked on the  door and it swung open and she had her hands out 

'' babies please'' domi asked  excitedly  making the other laugh  they let her and the uncle in  domi swiftly walked to the back of the house and scooped up the newborns  and came back pouting  with only one in her hands  chuuya was laughing and went to got get the other baby and domi became happy  then she seen  dai yu and dai lu and became excited squealing was all the others heard  she wanted to hold all the babies and toddlers they got her the baby car seats  she laid one baby in one after  the other then she picked up dai lu and dai yu  kissing them on the cheek giving them quick squeezes and let them roam and then she seen solomon and pouted  looking at the others  they all smiled at her   she rubbed his little chubby cheek smiling at his little giggle 

then she  seen sora sakari  aimee  adonis  and really got stupid she squeezed them so tight and giving them over loads of kisses 

'' she really loves babies ''misha commented  laughing 

'' she has very bad baby fever and new born syndrome '' harvey explained  sighing 

'' what was she like when her kids were born?'' vanitas asked 

'' lets just say i had to sneak to hold them cause she was very selfish and didint want me no where near them until they were almost one years old'' harvey exasperated  the others felt bad for him

'' okay my little big people aunty needs you to take care if  younger twin cousins for me okay walk them  to any car you want to get in too cause they're are surprise people in there for you okay? can you handle that?''

''yes aunty'' they chimed and high fived  and helped dai yu and dai lu to the cars and had them chose instead while domi had  picked up all three of the car seats  and headed towards the door confidently the others just watched in amazement 

'' need help?'' harvey teased 

'' do you want to hold one? if so oh well all mine humph '' domi marched out with eased   the others laughed at him  he just sighed 

'' have fun uncle '' noe said hugging him after everyone else

'' hopefully  cause theirs  going to a house full of kids good thing i have another vacation house in marseille thats 15 bedrooms  cause jesus  cause her sister and brother brought their kids and spouses over '' harvey falsely complained  he really loved the family gathering they are going to have  but he eventually had left with a last good bye  and also  one from domi who ran back up the stairs and hugged them then ran back down  so excited  they all laughed at her cuteness then they all headed into their individual cars   and headed to the airport  they all raced there  like old times but it's even more fun because the girls could join all three cars  had whipped in a parking space  perfectly screeching tires and all 

they all  headed towards the scanner and got on the plane for 161/2 hours...

161/2 hours later they arrived in tokyo and found a  driver had  them drive  to the  train station  atsushi dazai and yumeno were the translators of right now 

once they headed there they  guided the others the whole way  until they got to their hotel on the outskirts of  tokyo and went to check into their hotel suite room  and they all flopped on a bed but  were wide awake  they texted their aunt to let them know they made it safe  the hafu kids were being rowdy though 

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