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- next day everyone was up the  erin and his wife had left by morning back to their hotel  for a bit and one person was still sleep also getting closer to labor for people its now April 18- 

Everyone was up in the kitchen eating breakfast that is until a sleepy headed aimée came in the kitchen looking around  one of her aunts came to her she made grabby hands  they smiled and picked her up  she laid  on her aunt and rubbed her eyes  she was being bounced which she kind of sprawled out from it making the others laugh at her state of comfort of being held

"Aimée fais  veux tu mange?"(Aimée do you want to eat?)

Aimee just nodded her head then lifted up asking to be put down  and she was set free  she ran back to the tent  and went to wake up  silas and emile  she shook them softly and kissed their heads they finally budged grumbling and all but managed to get a move on aimée held their hands and guided them to the kitchen  having them sit but they ended up clinging to her  she looked up for help the others had laughed at the cuteness  then eventually helped her with her older cousins  then she went to her dad and climbed in his lap struggled a bit but go in and asked for plate to be down in front of her dad everyone looked at dazai's reaction and he seemed used to it by now  and continued to eat  there were snickers

"Aimée your a big girl  why must you smother your father's space dear ?" Carina asked smiling at her

Aimée looked to her and looked away answering

"Um..because... I won't be able to do it much longer im the  eldest remember.." aimée cleared her throat cause it was raspy  then ate more food  alex and adonis understood that statement all to well

Carina nodded her head  as an understanding  and brushed aimée's hair away this made aimée go extremely red  this made her laugh

"Why do you go so red like that when I come near you or touch you or even when I talk to you you don't even spare me a glance " carina asked

Aimée shook her head smiling

The others were giggling at the moment

"Ah we must have a sakari and max 2.0 happening " veronica said sitting down at one of the stools

Soon dominique came down stairs mopping she went straight to her aunt and laid on her , her uncle had kissed her head and went to sit as well making sure everyone is eating well

"Dear your bedheaded as ever and also why must you be in a bad mood so early in the day?" Her aunt asked teasing her but domi just grumbled as a response

"Domi dear something must be bothering you may you speak my love?" Her aunt said fixing her hair

"les fonctionnaires veulent venir à la maison et interviewer les enfants les plus âgés des desades et des enfants osamu et nous devons aller à une conférence de presse en octobre et je dois travailler aujourd'hui  (the officials want to come to the house and interview  the eldest childern of the desades and osamu kids and we have to go to a press conference in october and i have to work today) domi grumbled and sat up off her aunt sighing aggressively

"Merde " domi murmured under her breath then went to make coffee pushing her hair out her face but she got tapped on the rear

"Aunty!...what did I do?.."

"That mouth of yours , and childern  alex adonis aimée  zayna and yvonne get dressed after you eat loves you have some people who wants to speak with you" maria had said  eating moderate but quick so she can help the little ones 

After sometime  they went upstairs to freshen up  and headed down with dominique  the whole family seen her off and she was throwing a fit the whole time until her aunt tapped her nose to make her behave

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