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-  two weeks after atsushi's birthday  vanitas , chuuya and their spouses were out the house taking care of the babies  everyone was back at domi's house-

 the kids were playing with their big cousins while the adults chatting about the upcoming  meetings and things  as such   that is until the others came home  atsu helped them with the newborns who were fussing 

atsu took both of them and  sat with them and let the girls  unwind but not chuuya she had to take care of  her daughter who was starting to tune up now   chuuya ran her upstairs  to change her and her bandages  dazai had went up stairs to help her and noe helped vanitas with their son who was just giggling at them   they smiled and vanitas just took him out the car seat chuuya came running down stairs to get her son prepared for a nap 

'' chuuya come here now '' dazai said annoyed 

'' im not arguing with  you dazai  just let me take of the kids please '' 

'' vanitas talk with your sister please cause shes not listening to me '' dazai said holding his daughter  trying to calm her 

'' dont worry i have you baby girl no fussing okay ''

'' papa i tired no more doctors'' emiko sniffled  rubbing her eyes 

'' dazai lay her down  please ''  chuuya said  heading back up stairs  and almost stumbled cause of exhaustion   vanitas  had handed  her son to noe and hopped off the couch and took her nephew from chuuya 

'' sister you've been up since 4 o'clock  i think dazai is capable of taking care of his kids once in a while  okay i dont need you to pass out just to prove something you dont have to please pup ''  vanitas begged her seeing her sister leaning on the railing  sighing  and still trying to push her to  the limit  dazai  just watched her in pure anger  and followed  after her  and laid the baby down for sleep  chuuya made sure she was good and comfortable and took her little jacket off and had took her little shoes  off so she wont be too warm  and told dazai to go get   fumiya  dazai said fine and brought the baby and  left closing the door walking back down irritated  his mother had noticed and headed upstairs to the nursery easing in and closed the door and seen chuuya was sleep with her kids 

'' wake up'' the mother snarled chuuya woke up and immediately shot up but made sure not to wake the babies  and  walked up to her  she grabbed chuuya by the arm  pulling her in a different room just staring at her state 

'' are your trying to insult me?''

''what are you talking about mrs. hanako ''

'' you dont think i can take care of my grandkids  what you think stressing yourself is supposed to impress me?''

'' i dont what its supposed to take to impress you anymore seriously and im always like that with my kids since i was able to have them ... i mean  when i started having them...''chuuya slipped up 

'' what do you mean did you have troubles having kids ?'' hanako asked  unsympathetic

'' yes but thats beside the point is there anything more you need to say i need to check on my kids ''

'' what about your husband your childern are fine i can take care of them ''

'' no i will and thats final  i dont need you having intel on me and going back telling your family that i needed you for anything  so excuse me  please'' chuuya stormed past her  to leave  but hanako stopped her 

'' you do realize your an osamu now right  ''

'' yes but  im not going to parade that name unless im accepted and im apparently not especially by you the only reason why you dislike me  so much is  because of what  you did , you married outside the culture and your son did the same and you hate that so much  and well you should have had him in japan not america and you shouldn't have let him come to france  so history wont repeat i-''

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