41. The Journey (Part 4)

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Day 5, Destination no: 5


After vising Liverpool and Canterbury, the students moved towards their fifth destination- Manchester. They visited various places like the manchester museum, Whitefield palace, National football museum, art gallery, the imperial war museum and so on.

They moved through the interiors of the town square shopping mall- one of  the major shopping centres. They roamed through the stores selling fancy items and knick knacks.

Riya: This looks nice no? (Points at a keyring.

Nila(excited): Yeah. I love these scrunchies. I never had velvet ones.

Alex: See this minimalistic jewellery pieces! So cute.

Nila took a silver chain with a butterfly pendant and placed it on her neck, looking at the mirror.

Nila: I think this will go great on you. Yah it's perfect! Take this. It's my gift.

Alex: Aww.... thanks love.

Judith: What are you planning to take?

Nila: I guess I'll take these pearl earrings, hair clip and this lavender scrunchie! (Shows it to them)

Riya: This lavender fever of yours is never gonna break!

Nila(laughs):Trust me it won't. I'm gonna wear a lavender gown at my wedding as well.

Michelle: How's that possible? Aren't we supposed to wear white on that day?

Nila: I meant the party of course.

They went around the supermarket at the ground floor and ventured the place. Judith and Michelle brought raspberry pastries and biscuits from the bakery. Riya was checking out all the creams and face washes at the toiletry session.

Judith: I have a doubt. Why are condoms and baby diapers kept at adjacent places like this?

Alex(giggles): I think it is to remind people that if you don't buy this, you'll end up buying that.

All of them laughed at her remark

Riya: Woah, Alex I must say you are a pro!

Nila(snickers): Yeah especially when it comes to finding hidden meanings and jokes!

Michelle: Exactly

Destination no: 6 The Hyde Park

It was afternoon and Almost all of the itenaries were over for the day. The students were resting in the park after a long tiresome journey. Some of them were sitting on the grass while some of them were walking around the park. There was a lake nearby, surrounded by a wall. People were standing on top of the wall, taking photographs.

Nila: How am I supposed to get on this ? Let me see.

She tried to balance herself on the sides and slowly climbed up. She was mesmerized by the exquisite scenery which unfolded before her eyes. The slanting rays of the sun glistened on the surface. She took out her phone and started taking photos.

Nila: Perfect! Now I should get down.

As she prepared to get down, she realized that the wall was to high. She started to panic.

Nila: This didn't seem to high when I climbed up. God, I can't jump either. Somebody help me get down please!

Sooraj was walking with Avinash and Morgan when he got a call.

Sooraj: Where are you?

Nila: Over here! Look up.

Sooraj: Huh, what are you doing on top a tree? (Looks up)

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