46. Strings which Connect Lives

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At Sooraj's apartment...

Rani was cutting beans, watching her favorite TV serial when she heard the calling bell. She opened the door.

Rani: You are back so early today. Didn't you have shift today?

Sooraj: I skipped it. I'm.not feeling well and need a rest.

Rani: Oh dear, are you having fever or something? (Touches his forehead)

Sooraj: No I'm just tired. I'm going to my room.

Rani: You seem depressed today. Did something happen at college?

Sooraj: No. I'm fine.

Rani: Okay go and freshen up. I'll get you dinner.

Sooraj entered his room and locked the door. He fell on his matress with a plonk. He stared at the ceiling fan, remembering all the events that happened at college.

Sooraj mv: I never thought that it would slip out of my mouth like that. I wonder what she's thinking about me now. Should I make a call?

He took out his phone and shuddered.

Sooraj mv: I can't face her from now on. Morever, I can't tell mom that I got suspended. She'll be heartbroken. I have to come up with a plausible lie somehow.

At Nila's house...

Nila was sitting with a grave face on her bed. Everytime, she looked at her palm, she shuddered thinking about the things that had happened to her. Doctor prescribed two weeks of rest for her arm. She couldn't get the reason behind everything that had happened so far.

All of a sudden, she heard a tap on the door.

Nila: Come in

It was her dad. He came and sat beside.

Joseph: You have been sitting inside the room for a long time. So I decided to come and look.

Nila: Oh..okay

He took her injured hand in his.

Joseph: How are you feeling right now? Is it still hurting.

Nila: No dad. I'm Fine.

Joseph: I can understand the amount of pain you're going through. Pr Mary called me and explained everything. I got really shocked at first and didn't know what to say.

She looked at him.

Joseph: She also asked me to take you to a therapist. Since I've been your therapist all these years, I decided to have a word with you. It's okay if you can't open up to me. I'll book an appointment with someone right away. It's important to heal your scars, whether it is mental or physical.

Nila: No dad. I don't feel comfortable sharing my problems to anyone else other than you. You are the one who had helped me all these years.

Joseph smiled and stoked her head. Nila's voice grew hoarse due to emotion.

Nila: Everything seems changed in such a short span of time. I feel like...my whole life has changed and I can't go back, feeling happy and normal again. My heart is gripped with fear and anxiety. Moreover, using his words, he made an wholesome wound in my heart that would never heal. I still can hear those words...They are ringing inside my ears (cries)

Nila started to tear and Joseph held her face.

Joseph: See, tongue is a sharp weapon. It can be used like a whip against anyone. It can break hearts and create everlasting wounds in one's heart and soul. That's why we should be careful while using it. Also, we shouldn't take others words to heart. Even if the world says that you're bad, it won't be true unless you believe. You haven't done anything wrong. The lord Almighty, the universe and your consiousness knows it. So what he had said is of no relevance.

Nila let out a smile which lit up her face.

Nila: Thanks dad.

Joseph: Anything to see that smile again on your face.

At Amar Sir's house, Two weeks later..

The calling bell rang and the servant opened the door.

Servant: Who are you?

Nila: I'm Amar Sir's student and I've come to see him.

Servant: Sure. He's here. Come in.

The servant shoved her to the parlour and went upstairs to call him. She started going through the random magazines and newspapers scattered on the table. In the meanwhile, Pr Amar got down and came to the parlour. She got up.

Nila: Good morning Sir.

Pr. Amar: Good morning. How is your arm? Did you consult an orthopedician?

Nila: Yes sir. He prescribed two weeks of rest for the hand. I'm feeling much better than before.

Pr. Amar: Good to see you like this again. Come sit.

They sat down on the coach.

Pr. Amar: So is there any matter? How could I help?

Nila: Ah...I came here to ask you something.

Pr Amar: Sure. Go ahead. What is it about?

Nila: Your invention.

Pr. Amar: My invention? You mean the transmigrator?

Nila: Yes.

Pr. Amar: Okay. Go on

Nila: Sir, you said that the switching between the two bodies took place within 30 minutes inside the machine. Then how come me and Sooraj switched our bodies within five minutes?

Pr Amar took a deep sigh.

Pr Amar: There are some things that still cannot be interpreted by Science. There are still no logical reasonings for some questions. So I don't know whether you'll believe it or not.

Nila: Please tell me Sir. I want to know

Pr. Amar: See, it's true that the switching takes approximately thirty minutes to complete. But in some cases, the switch could happen within five minutes or even less than that. It only happens when the souls of the switching bodies already share a strong spiritual connection with each other.

Nila: You mean a soul bond?

Pr. Amar: Yes. You can call that also.

Nila: But how come that's even possible?You know how much hatred we had for each other in the beginning? We even despised to see each others face. Then how...

Pr. Amar: Some spiritual connections are like that. It could happen with the most unexpected person in our life sometimes. It's true that you both had hated each other at first. But, I just saw some incidents which proved that you both are actual soulmates. The way how he fought for you and you stood up for him at the meeting that day.

Nila sat mute. She could feel her insides quivering. She said no more..

Nila: Okay Sir. I guess I should leave right now. Thanks for the information.

Pr. Amar: Take care of yourself. Bye

She got out of his house and walked towards the bus stop.

Nila: So...does that mean. He is really... the person I had been waiting for long...The person to whom my heart belongs , the one with whom I'm destined to spend my this life and upcoming lives....

My Soulmate!


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