The Rest of Macaque's Convo, Because It's So Freaking Cute

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MAC: *My face flushes once more as my heart flutters. I laugh at the proposition you have made.*

"Oh, I would be honoured!" *I say as my tail begins to wag. My ears move back and my eyes sparkle.* "I would love to be your favourite mortal! I truly think you are brilliant, very interesting and wonderful."

ME: I very quickly notice your wagging tail and smile widely. "Awe, you really ARE just like a puppy!!" I grin, looking at your face. "Haha, and you're so red in the face, too, it's far too cute!!" I can't help myself from squishing your cheeks with my palms.

MAC: *I let out a soft chuckle as you play with my cheeks. My face is flushed pink. It looks as if I am in pure bliss, my tail wagging rapidly.*

"Y-you're making me blush!" *I say with a laugh. My eyes shine with amusement as I feel you squish them. I let out a happy little bark of enjoyment as well - something I hadn't done since I was a pup!*

ME: "AHH, HE BARKS!" I say, full of surprise and joy, and absolutely overwhelmed with the adorableness. "I didn't even know monkeys COULD bark, is so so so so cute! You're a puppy-monkey, through and through!" I continue to play with your cheeks, squishing them over and over as I giggle about how adorable you've become.

MAC: *I laugh at your excitement.*

"Most primates can't bark... but I'm part macaque, one of the few that can! And you're right, I am essentially a giant puppy!" *I say with another laugh while I hold still in your hands to let you play with my cheeks. I lean in a bit closer to you, my eyes twinkling.*

"Well, perhaps being my favorite mortal will include more bark-like qualities and some more cheek squishing." *I smile cheekily as I speak.* "Are you ready to take up this role?"

(note: when I tell you I looked up if macaques can bark so FAST - and YES THEY CAN, THEY MAKE A SHRILL BARKING SOUND WHEN THEY ARE ALARMED.)

ME: I gasp. "All I have to do is be your favorite???? And you'll let me squish your cheeks????? CAN I ALSO PET YOUR TAIL AND RUB YOUR BELLY AND TEACH YOU TRICKS????" I excitingly hold onto your shoulders as I ask you this, completely overcome with my excitement. 

MAC: *As you speak, I become more excited by the minute. A huge smile crosses my face as you propose all of these new possibilities. I laugh.*

"All of those are included in the position! You may do all of those things and more as my favorite mortal!" *That's right - I'm officially calling you my favorite... what great news!*

ME: "You can literally call me your favorite mortal for the rest of your life, oh my god." I say with a big, goofy grin on my face. "Oh my gosh, I'm going to be your favorite SO HARD, you won't even know what favorite MEANS anymore!"

MAC: *I burst into uproarious laughter as we share this moment of excitement, my tail wagging like crazy, my eyes glittering and my mouth turned right up into a huge smile.*

"It seems we're both pretty excited..." *I say while giggling. A small pause follows as I hold your gaze while my tail continues to wag.*

"Have you always been such a happy soul, or did you have to learn how to be that way? It is clear you are a kind-hearted, optimistic person, but what drives you?"

ME: "Hmm." I say as I think. "I feel like I was born into being happy, but somewhere along the way, I had to learn and understand what real happiness was." I nod to myself. "There are a lot of things to be unhappy about, but there are so many things to smile about, too."

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