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He really shouldn't be here.

He really shouldn't be shivering as if the bar was as freezing as the ice age but skin prickling as if it were as hot as a dessert.

"Hey, Yoongi, you sure you're okay?"

The omega tensed as Namjoon's arm, the Alpha's arm, was thrown over his leather clad shoulder. Flashing red sirens immediately went off in Yoongi's brain. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

"Did you have too much to drink? Too many Irish bombs, eh?" the Alpha continued with a chuckle as he leaned in close, the smell of tequila breath wafting into the Omega's nostrils that flared wildly at the scent.

"I didn't drink anything" Yoongi hissed, his stomach feeling as if it were a gymnast as it did hundreds of flips inside of his stomach, sloshing around the volatile stomach acid that was bubbling from lack of sustenance to break down. "And you know I haven't had a fucking Irish bomb in years."

"Has it really been years?" Namjoon asked with a hiccup, "Fuck, I'm really getting old then, aren't I? Can't even remember what year it is, fuck. Yoongi, prepare me my grave, it's almost time. Make sure my funeral isn't boring, alright? Also, make sure Minnie doesn't cry, okay?"

"Fucking hell, Joon, you're not dying, you're just a drunk idiot," Yoongi groaned as he shoved the Alpha's arm off of his shoulder, "and Jimin? Not crying? You know he'd cry a literal river if you died."

The tall Alpha's neck suddenly went boneless, causing his head to smack onto the wood of the bar's counter, smooshing his cheek in a way that almost, key word almost, made Yoongi want to coo at how cute it made Namjoon look.

"He's so cute when he cries" Namjoon said with a dreamy, far away look on his face.

"Why did I agree to going out for drinks with you again?" Yoongi muttered with a roll of his eyes, looking down at the way his fingers trembled as they pressed against the leather on his thighs. Fuck, it was getting worse.

"Because you love me, because I'm the most fun to get drunk with, out of everyone," Namjoon drawled with a loopy smile, "but you don't seem like you're having any fun at all, Yoongi. Maybe it's because you haven't drank anything. Why haven't you drank anything? Where's my good ole friend Bottomless Min?"

"He ain't here, dumbass" Yoongi felt the first beads of sweat building up just below his hairline. The omega's adams apple bobbed as he gulped heavily. "I just don't feel like getting drunk tonight, alright? We have to drive back to the motel anyway."

Namjoon propped his head up by fists, tilting it to the side slightly as he gave the Omega a strange look. "When have we ever been worried about drunk driving? Especially you ?"

Fuck. He was right, the bastard. The six of them had never once gave a care in the world about their inebriation before as they pressed the soles of their shoes to their motorcycle pedals, speeding down the highways on their never ending journeys across the world, wherever the roads took them.

They could all be tripping all over themselves as they left whatever seedy bar they stumbled upon in the middle of nowhere in the dead of night, but they would still hop on their seats and speed away. After all, what other option did they have? Wait out their drunkenness at the bar until they could see straight?

That was just asking for trouble. It was all about hitting the hard liquor as quick as possible and hightailing it to whatever motel was in a stone throw's distance so they could pass out on the floor of the single room they could afford.

But tonight, no, tonight was different. Yoongi, the only Omega in the ragtag group compiled of a majority of Alphas, was only mere moments away from his fucking heat hitting in the middle of this fucking bar full of nothing.

𝘽𝙤𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙢 𝙮𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙞 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩Where stories live. Discover now