The hangover

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All Eliza's friends have motorcycles, and they are all from her collection, which I think is really funny. They're like a biker club but with the same brand of motorbikes. They roll around and it's like they're doing publicity! Eliza leads the way, me on the back of her bike with my arms around her. The guys are right behind. They race each other, passing us full speed, showing off. They all decided that my first brain was worthy of a celebration, so we're going to Eliza's for something they call a geek party. We park in front of her place and I open the door. They all drop on the couch in the basement.

-What do you do in your parties? I ask.

-We get drunk! Dwayne says.

Eliza walks over to us with a pack of beer. They jump on it like it's liquid gold or something. She offers me one but I say no.

-I don't drink, I say.

-Why not? Cash asks.

-First I'm underaged...

-Do you see any cops around here girl? Alac asks.

-And second, I get drunk really fast so it's not fun.

-Come on, just one beer! Lexus says.

-You don't have to if you don't want to, Eliza says.

I look at them, all these older guys and my girlfriend, drinking and talking and having fun, and I remember Dwayne calling me a kid, and I take one beer.

-Good girl, Dwayne says.

I don't really like him, he's too excited and too upfront. They start playing video games and we watch and it becomes boring really fast. Eliza puts music on and they start dancing around, well, more like doing stupid things to the sound of the music. One of the guys is dancing with a blender, the other one is trying to breakdance and the two others are dancing with imaginary girls. They are all at their like fifth beer and they are all pretty drunk! Cash comes up to me and push a beer can in my hand.

-You want it? He asks.

-Nah, already had one.

-Come on, don't be such a baby.

He opens it for me and gives me a look. I take a sip and he slap me on the shoulder with a big smile like I did something really good. Eliza walks toward me and we start dancing together. She so beautiful I could stare at her for the rest of my life and be so happy. The guys sit down and start playing a game with cards and alcohol. I play with them, not really understanding the game, but they tell me when to drink so I do. Soon, my second beer is finished and my eyes are blurry and my movements are sloppy and I laugh at nothing. At some point I have an empty beer can in my hand and then a full one and I haven't witness any transition but I drink it. I see Eliza looking at me with worried eyes. She gets up from her place in the circle and come sit next to me.

-Are you ok? She asks.

-I'm fine, I say while laughing.

-Are you sure?


I had every intention of finishing that sentence, but suddenly I can't. By some magical way I find that bathroom and throw up. I hear they boys laughing and singing my name from the living room. She's next to me before I'm even done throwing up. I've never been sick before in my life. We don't get sick, thanks to the morning pill we take everyday. Eliza holds my hair back and I just want to die. This is so not a nice moment. I'm exhausted. I sit down on the bathroom floor, the back of my head against the wall too rest, with my eyes closed. The world suddenly starts to turn and I feel myself falling, but there's nothing I can do about it. I know I'm going to hit my head on the floor when, actually, something catch me.

-It's ok baby, she says. I'm here. You can sleep now.

I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

-Eliza...I says and it feels like my mouth is full of mash potatoes.

-What's wrong baby?

-I love you.

She doesn't say anything, and I don't remember what I just told her. I feel her arms around me, lifting me up in the air, but I never go back down, I fall asleep in the air.


I wake up in her bed. I open my eyes and close them right away, too much light. My head is pounding like crazy, I feel like I banged it on a brick wall. What happen last night?


Her voice is soft and sweet, like honey and clouds.

-Baby are you awake?

-I think so, I say.

I sit, my eyes still closed.

-Here, she says. Drink this.

She hands me a tall glass with cold liquid in it. Water never tasted so good. I open my eyes. Shes blurry at first, but then my eyes focus and I see her beautiful eyes in front of me.

-How are you feeling? she asks.

-Did I jump down a roof or something?

-No, you just got drunk.

-So this is what hangover feels. I don't like it.

She gives me a soft smile. I look around and realize we're all alone in here.

-Where are the guys? I ask.

-They went home, I called a taxi for them.

-I'm sorry.

-For what? she asks, pressing her palm against my cheek.

-That I got drunk.

-That wasn't your fault. You didn't even want to drink, they kinda forced you. That wasn't cool.

I look away. I feel so stupid.

-Do you remember last night?

-Not really.

She nods, but I can see something is wrong. Her eyes are sad.

-What's wrong? I ask.

-Nothing, she says with a smile, but I can see it's fake.

I lace my fingers with hers, pulling her to me.

-You smell awful, she says.


-There's a clean towel in the bathroom if you want to take a shower.

I nod, get up and jump in the shower. I let the cold water run on my face, it feels amazing. When I feel like myself again I get out of the shower, but I realize I don't have any clothes and the ones I was wearing last night are disgusting. I wrap a towel around me and open the bathroom door just a little.


-Yes, she says from the couch.

-I don't have any clothes.

-Come, I have some for you.


My heart starts beating really fast because I'm pretty much gonna be naked in front of her. She's in her closet, searching for clothes. When she turns around with the clothes in her hands, I'm just standing there, with a towel around me, looking stupid. Her eyes widen, and I see them looking at my shoulders, trailing on my arms, and I blush. She takes a few steps, she's now standing in front of me. I look away because I feel stupid, but she pulls my chin toward her, kissing me. For a moment I forget that I'm naked. She drops the clothes on the ground, her arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me to closer to her. Her mouth trails off to my jaw, my neck, my shoulder. All I want is for her to never stop kissing my neck.

-Stop? she asks.

-Do you want to stop? I ask.


-Me either.

-But we should, she says.

-Yeah, we should, I say while pulling her to me and kissing her.

But we don't stop. She pulls her shirt off and my towel drops on the floor and the world stops spinning.

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