The Tech genius

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She parks in front of a really weird looking house. I'm not really sure it's a house, it looks more like a garage or something. She gets off the bike and I do the same. We don't talk. She takes my hand and takes me to the back of the weird garage. There's a door in the back, but there's not doorknob. I'm about to ask her own it opens when she puts her hand on the door and a blue light flashes under her palm. The door opens and she walks in. I stay outside, staring at the door like it came out of Mars or something. Door don't usually do that! Her head pops in the opening.

-You coming or what?

I walk in and for the second time today I'm totally speechless. The door closes behind me and lights opens all around the room. It is a garage, but not really at the same time. The main area is clearly a techlab! There's an half built motorcycle in the middle and tools all around the room. There's also a lot of junk, thing that clearly went wrong. Where there should be a garage door, a shelf stands tall. All the things on it a all cleaned up and labeled with numbers. They all look really great and really complicated. I walk around looking at everything, looking at the drawings and plans on the walls and not understanding a thing but being really impress. I don't realize that she's been looking at me the whole time until I smash into her near the door.

-You did all that? I ask her.

She nods.


That's all I can say. She takes something on the shelf and hands it to me. It's some sort of glasses. I put them on while she puts on another pair of glasses, perfectly identical. She lights both of them and suddenly I'm not where I was just before, I'm in her place, seeing myself with the glasses.

-Woooo, I say taking a step back and I see myself taking that step. I can see threw your eyes!

-Of course you can, she says. That's what they are made for. She takes her's off and the vision of what she see's automatically disappears.

-It's connects to you brain, she explains.

-It's amazing!

She shrugs. She takes a sort of cask and puts it on her head. She turns it on and closes her eyes. A moving white light appears in the air. Soon, the white becomes colors and it becomes less blurry. I can see myself in the parking lot, following my mom. The images shows what Eliza sees again, but it's her memory.

-Oh wow, I say touching the hologram.

Of course my hand passes threw: it's an hologram. She takes it off and shows me something else. They are some sort of robots. She hands me one and sits on the floor. She places her robot on the floor and take a small black device that opens into a remote control. It's a game! I do the same as her. She shows me what the different buttons do.

-You ready to fight? she asks with a childish smile.

-But we'll destroy them!

-Don't worry, they fix themselves.

We start fighting. The first two games she kills me in less than a second, but then she gives me chances to learn how to control the thing and I kill her once, because she let me, of course.

-You're good! I say looking at my robot rebuilt itself in the floor.

-Of course I am, I made them! I know those things by heart!

She put's them back on the shelves and take my hand again. She doesn't seam to have a problem with holding my hand, and it's kinda nice. She leads me to a door I didn't realize existed and it opens on a staircase that leads downstairs. The basement of the garage is more like a real apartment. Well, more like a loft. There's a kitchen in one corner with a table, then a small living room with a Tv on the wall and then a bed directly on the floor. There's a bathroom on the side, but that one has walls and a door. There isn't much room, but it's nice. There some gadgets she made down here too, but nothing exceptional like upstairs.

-So that's it, she says.

-Where are you parents? I ask.

-My mom died 4 years ago and my dad is at his house with my little sister who's 5.

-I'm sorry about your mom.

-It's ok.

-How old are you?

-I'm 19. You?


-So your mom looks nice, she says with a sarcastic laugh.

-Yeah, she's not our biggest fan. What where you doing there anyway?

-I work for the center on the weekends, I fix the tech stuff over there. What about you, why were you there?

-My mom wanted to see if I..we...were broken...

-And we're not, she finishes for me.

-No, we're not.

There an awkward silence that falls between us, so I ask:

-So you're like a science genius or something.

-Kinda yeah, she answers. I finished high school when I was 13 and then I went to college in technology and finished my master in four years and then I started working for the Bright center and TechPro, the company that runs the tech in the city.

-Wow, so your are a genius!

She laughs.

-What phone do you have? she asks me.

-It's the TechPro9, why?

-I made that one with that other guy I work with, Clen.

-You did! I say taking my phone out of my pocket and staring at it like her name is going to pop on the screen because she made it.

I open it and I see I have 11 missed calls from my mom and my dad and 1 from Ruthy. I just put it back in my pocket.

-People looking for you? she asks.

I nod.

-You...she starts, her voice weirdly change from proud and self-confident to a little mouse voice, like she's suddenly intimidated or something. You want to stay here tonight?

-I don't even know you, I say.

-Well, we are suppose to be soulmates you know, and I don't know you either. Maybe we could start getting to know each other.


-Okay, she says too. What do you eat? Are you allergic to anything?

-Hum nowadays there are no more allergies, you must know that!

-I know, she says with a wink.

We end up eating mac and cheese on her couch while watching Tv, then we play robots again and she destroys me, again. Around ten o'clock we start a movie and I feel myself falling asleep. We are right next to each other and I end up resting my head on her shoulder with my eyes closed.

-Rio? she asks.

-What? I say in a whisper, almost already asleep.

-Nothing, never mind. Just sleep.


And I fall asleep.

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