Part Three

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We've got obsessions.

I was right. This woman is haunting my dreams.

She appeared to me dressed in blinding white, her skin as pale as a January sky. Her wavy black hair fell perfectly past her shoulders, and oh God, that smile. That angelic smile. A smile of genuine joy. You never see a smile like that anymore. Hers will be forever burned into my memory. I don't want it to leave my memory, either. I want to stay in this dream, observing every inch of Marina's perfectly sculpted figure.

But then the most heartbreaking thing was said to me.

"Looks are deceiving. Don't get too immersed in me, or you will drown. Nothing can always be as good as it seems."

I looked her right in the eyes and challenged what she was saying to me. I didn't believe her.

"No woman could be this beautiful and wise without there being a catch 22. I don't care about catch 22's. I want you, Marina. I want all of you. If I can't have all of you, I want nothing." I bravely stood up to her, radically facing her beliefs.

"Then you are a brave fool, Lana. A very beautiful, brave fool. I think I can admire that about you."

She smiles and picks up a lavender purple rose from beside her. Upon closer examination, this rose shimmered and dripped a rich, crimson color off of it's thorns. A sanguine rose.

Where was that from? My mind searched for the underlying meaning diligently before falling on the most probable answer.

Demon. Succubus. Siren. A manipulator of love, sex, lust. A creator of obsessions. A driver of madness, pure insanity. Luring their victims and using the most seductive form of vampirism.

One thought crossed my mind before I jumped off of the deep end.

This woman might just be the death of me.

"I am not afraid," I restate.  "I do not fear the true monster that you are. I want all of you and I mean it."

After I said this, she moved closer to me. I felt my skin prickling, excitement building up in my veins. Her arms came to my waist, and naturally, I laid my head on her chest. She began singing something in an unrecognizable language. Probably Greek.

I could feel something being pulled away from me, it almost felt like the very essence of my life was being stolen from me.

"I don't think you understand me, Lana. I don't think you know the consequences of falling in love with the monster that I am." Her usually chestnut eyes have a mixed tint of red and purple swirling around in the iris. "I will kill you. It may not be right now, but I will kill you. I will take all of your life force every time you scream my name for more, I'll be killing you. Taking your essence to carry out my eternal youth."

I'm shaking now, my lip quivering and my strong, brave front was quickly crumbling into dust. She was right. I couldn't love her. I could genuinely tell that she wanted to let me go. I was too good for the likes of her. She was cold, she was deadly. A sweet serial killer.

But something was telling me to stay. Something in the back of my mind was telling me to keep my foot down. There was no way she was cold all the way through. Those eyes are too warm and lively for her to be completely without emotion.

I shake my head.

"If you're a monster like you say you are...then why do your eyes scream life? Why do they scream joy? Why do they seem so alive?"

She chuckles, looking down at her feet.

"Funny question. My eyes haven't glowed like this since I first fell in love."

A grin quickly spread across my face and a giggle escaped my lips.

"Then you're stunning when you're in love. You're not dark. Your light is blinding, it's absolutely...electrifying."

"Maybe that's just the raging, destructive fire that burns within me. Trust me, my love. That isn't a good thing."

I shake my head in protest. "You've got it all wrong, Marina. It's obvious that you can do good for yourself."

"Lana, you're like my daily dose of dopamine. You take away the thought at the fact that I'm a succubus, and I feel....normal. I feel good. Lana, I've never felt good. What is happening to me?

She pulls me into an embrace and again, I can feel some energy being sucked out of me. I try to ignore it, but I know I'm going to wake up from this dream and be absolutely tired.

I shrugged, pulling her tighter into my arms.

Now let me tell you,

I still barely know this woman and I don't care. I don't care if I'm going to die. As long as I see Marina and I know she's happy and alive, I will keep myself sane until I draw my last breath for her.

I wanna wipe out all the sad ideas that come to me when I am holding you.

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