Cupcakes and wishes...

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"So if you don't mind picking them up on the way? Means you'll have to be here before the bakery closes at 12 but that's not too early is it?" Maisie crossed her fingers as she spoke.

"No problem at all, we'll be glad to won't we Gee?" Anna turned and called over her shoulder. Suddenly a little face appeared with a shy smile "Hi Aunty Gren!"

"DARLING!" Maisie almost shouted, her hands at her face. "You're SUCH a big girl now! I can't wait for a big girl hug!" she felt a little guilty at the subterfuge but only a little.

"I'm 4!" she said proudly holding up five fingers. "I go to school after the summer!"

"Just in the nick of time it seems" her mother added with a grin "off you go and get your stuff ready miss, I need to speak to Aunty Gren some more." she shooed her away and Gee left with a small wave.

"She seems happy enough to be coming?" Maisie said once she was out of earshot.

"Yes, well, she believes that her hugs will make you better. From being ill. You know - the reason we're coming?" Anna looked at Maisie, one eyebrow raised. The old lady had never looked happier - or healthier. Maisie knew that bit of the game was up. She prayed she could hang on to the rest. "Why are we REALLY coming Maisie?"

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you." she sighed and paused, her face a picture of misery. "I miss you. Both of you. That's it. I'm not getting any younger and I miss you so much. I'd hoped when everything was sorted you'd come back. Selfish I know, but..." she shrugged. None of that was a lie. She did miss them both, by the bucketload.

"Oh Maisie. You only had to tell me that! I would have put her in a sack and dragged her here anyway!" Anna smiled, "I've missed you so much too. I want to come back, I really do, but Gee has friends here. Her new school - that I've only just convinced her to go to - is here. We'll see you tomorrow - maybe," she paused "maybe we could stay over? We're happy to make a nest of the sofa cushions. Like you did with Gee when she was little?"

Maisie smiled "I think I can do better than that, but yes, you can stay as long as you both want. You know that I love you both dearly. See you around 11 tomorrow then?" she waited with baited breath.

"Yes, 11 will be about spot on. We're getting the train and by the time we stop off for the cupcakes, it should be then. Have that kettle on ok, I have things to tell? See you tomorrow. Love you!" she blew a kiss which was returned and then they hung up.

Turning to Charlie, Maisie let out a breath. "Phew, glad we got THAT sorted. Thought we had a moment there. Wonder what she wants to talk about? Oh well, she seemed happy so can't be that bad surely."

"Gran, you deserve an Oscar for that performance." he kissed her cheek. "I'll call Tom later. See you at 2 ok?" he got up and went to the door. "You really think this will work?"

"I hope so Charlie, I hope so. We can but try eh?" He nodded and left, Maisie walked to the window and watched him as he walked down the street. She wished she felt as confident as she'd sounded.

The doorbell interrupted her sleep. Insistent and unforgiving. She looked at the clock - good GRIEF it was 11.15! Maisie leapt - well as much as an older, stiffer lady can leap - and grabbed her dressing gown. Rushing to the door, she pulled it open in time to see absolutely nothing. Well, not quite. On the doorstep was a bag. A paper bag. She reached down and opened it. Cupcakes. A small smile started to spread over her face. "Oh dear! Someone has left cupcakes on my doorstep!" she said in an exaggerated tone "Whoever WILL I get to help me eat them? It's so sad I don't know any hungry little girls!" she put a hand over her eyes and stood for a second. A snort and a giggle came from just round the corner followed be a little face. From between her fingers, she peeked as Gee came and stood in front of her.

"I could eat them all up for you!" she said proudly, grinning.

Maisie uncovered her eyes and stared "Oh no no no young miss!" she said with a big wink "these are for my little darling Georgie. She's coming to see me today!" Gee's face changed to one of unbridled glee.

"Its MEEEE Aunty Gren!" she shouted "Georgie!" she hopped up and down with excitement.

Maisie pretended to think for a minute, she could see Anna standing in the background smiling broadly, a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. She looked at the little girl, bending down and staring into her face with a frown. She proceeded to look her up and down, top to toe, turning her this way and that as Georgie laughed and squirmed.

"But the Georgie I know is only a baby! She's not a pretty girl like you, all grown up!"

For a second Gee looked at her, frowning back then she burst into giggles.

"Oh Aunty GREN! You are terrible!" she wrapped her little arms around Maisie and hugged her tightly. "There, do you not 'member my huggles?"

Maisie relented and laughed softly, a moistness in her eyes that she struggled to control. "Yes little one, I could NEVER forget your huggles. Thank you darling." she hugged her back and kissed her cheek. "Now come on in and let's get one of these cupcakes into your tummy?"

Gee broke free and ran on into the kitchen "Last one in is a hairy monkey!" she screeched. Anna walked forwards and the two women hugged tightly.

"She never changes does she?" Anna said softly into Maisie's shoulder. She smelt of lavender and soap and all the warm comfort Anna so desperately missed.

"Yes, actually she does!" Maisie pulled back and Anna looked at her with a puzzled expression. "She get's more beautiful, inside and out like her Mum, every day!"

"Oh Maisie" Anna hugged her again unable to hide it any longer, her own eyes full of tears. "Oh Maisie, I'm so lonely, I want to come home."

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