Beach Day

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Story contains: swearing
The parts in () are the English versions of what was said. No guarantee that it's 100% accurate though.
Also, hooray, finally getting around to posting these on here : )

"Hey Blaze!" AJ eagerly said while tugging on his sleeve.

"Yes AJ?" Blaze replied, setting down the knife.

"Well, you remember how you said that if I got my work done before noon I could choose what we do for the rest of the day?"


"Well, I got it all done, and I know what I wanna do!"

"And what would that be?" He sighed.

"I want to go to the beach!" AJ said excitedly, but he noticed that Blaze tensed up at the word. "Are you alright...? You look scared..."

"N-no. I-I'm fine. Just... why the beach?"

"Well, it's a nice day, it's too hot to stay inside all day, and I did kind of tell the others that we would all hang out there..." he awkwardly laughed.

"Y-you did what!?"

"...Are you mad that I said we would all come here afterwards and have a movie night?"

"AJ..." Blaze sighed as he knelt down to his height. "I'm not mad, but how about you tell me next time so I can actually get snacks and whatnot ready instead of having to do it last minute, ok?"

"Ok, but can I make the snacks for the beach?"

"No, but you can go and get the stuff that you need for it,"

"Fine, but can I have some sweets for the beach then?"

"Just go get your stuff, and once you're ready I'll let you put some snacks in," AJ nodded and ran off to go get his stuff ready, Blaze then picked the knife back up and stabbed it into the chopping board, cussing under his breath. "God fucking damnit! Why the fucking beach out of all places!?" As he was about to say something else, there was a knock on the door and he went and opened it.

"I'm guessing AJ told you about the beach?" Starla asked as she entered the house and they headed back to the kitchen.

"Yes he did, he told me about it like a minute or two ago,"

"Damn. Anyway, how are you on the scale of 1-10?"

"Today's about an 8-9 sort of day," he sighed as he started to make some sandwiches.

"Yikes, that's gonna be a problem..."

"Yeah... like, I know it's too hot to wear a hoodie constantly out there, but it's the only way because the doctor said I was 'binding for too long and he's concerned for my body',"

"Well, how long do ya bind for?"

"Um... let's see... I put it on at roughly 9 and don't take it off until 10... so about 13 hours a day,"

"13 hours?!" She exclaimed.

"...I'm guessing I'm not supposed to do it for that long...?"

"No! You're supposed to do it for 8 hours or less a day! Didn't your doctor tell you that!?"

"Actually no. He told me to just wear it for as long as I feel is necessary. Although that does explain why my new doctor is so concerned about it. I mean, I did search up how long I should bind for, and it did say 8 hours or less, but the doctor said to just ignore what the internet says,"

"...Please tell me he got fired,"

"In a way he did, he died. Had a heart attack in the middle of a surgery,"

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