Bios For The Characters

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This was the winner on the Tumblr poll, so here they are

Canon Characters:

• Full Name: Blaze Flores Hayes
• Age: 23
• Birthday: 1st of January
• Ethnicity: Honduran/Tanzanian
• Family:
- Elena Hayes (mother)
- Olavo Hayes (father)
- Speedrick Hayes (twin)
- Sparkle Hayes (sister)
- AJ Hayes (son)
• Medical Info:
- Mildly allergic to fish and shellfish (severely allergic in the AU with Mist).
- Due to severe burns obtained as a kid, he has had to wear bandages so the gloves are to cover them up
- History of anorexia (has relapsed a few times throughout the years)
• Likes:
- Helping others
- Loud music
- Tormenting his twin
- Spicy food
• Dislikes:
- Bland food
- People pushing him to answer questions
- Randomly being touched
- Silence

• Full Name: Alexander Jayden Hayes
• Age: 10
• Birthday: 9th of November
• Ethnicity: South African
• Family:
- Unnamed bio parents (deceased)
- Blaze Hayes (mother)
- Sparkle Hayes (aunt)
- Speedrick Hayes (uncle)
- Elena Hayes (grandmother)
- Olavo Hayes (grandfather)
• Medical Info:
- Hay fever
• Likes:
- Sweets
- Video games
- Puzzles
- Scaring Olavo when he's sleeping
• Dislikes:
- His hair getting wet when it's not braided
- Being alone when it's pitch black
- Glitter
- Trying new foods

• Full Name: Gabby Jenna Booth
• Age: 10
• Birthday: 20th if February
• Ethnicity: Canadian
• Family:
- Unnamed bio parents
- Watts Cheung (unofficial sister)
• Medical Info:
- No medical history
• Likes:
- Physical contact
- Surprise hugs
- Sleeping
- Relaxing days
• Dislikes:
- Being told she's overworking
- Her stuff not being where it should be
- Her hair not cooperating with her
- Cliché romance movies

• Full Name: Watts Cheung
• Age: 22
• Birthday: 14th of March
• Ethnicity: Chinese/Kiwi (New Zealander)
• Family:
- Mei Cheung (mother)
- Gabby Booth (unofficial sister)
• Medical Info:
- Genetic condition where she can toy with electricity/store it in her body without being affected by it
• Likes:
- Cuddles
- Sweet food
- Fluffy stuff
- Sour lollies
• Dislikes:
- Accidentally shocking someone
- Her hair (it never stays flat)
- Being used as a transportable phone charger
- Water

• Full Name: Starla Kiprono
• Age: 25
• Birthday: 26th of August
• Ethnicity: South African/Kenyan
• Family:
- Darington Kennedy (cousin)
- Asher Kiprono (father)
- Amore Kiprono (mother)
- Charlotte Kennedy (aunt)
- Daryll Kennedy (uncle)
• Medical Info:
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
• Likes:
- Horse riding
- Lying on straw when it's sunny
- Hunting
- Shooting
• Dislikes:
- Her animals being hurt
- Being told to be more 'lady-like'
- Bad weather
- Rollercoasters

• Full Name: Crusher Nikolaevich Sokolov
• Age: 28
• Birthday: 23rd of July
• Ethnicity: Russian
• Family:
- Nikolai Sokolov (father)
- Natalya Sokolova (grandmother)
• Medical Info:
- No Medical History
• Likes:
- Cold weather
- Vodka
- Quiet walks at night
- Creating new stuff
• Dislikes:
- Hot weather
- Being dirty
- Surprises
- Large crowds

• Full Name: Pickle Harold Johnson
• Age: 21
• Birthday: 6th of September
• Ethnicity: American
• Family:
- Ben Johnson (cousin)
- Ken Johnson (cousin)
- Sven Johnson (cousin)
- Lilly Johnson (sister)
- Milly Johnson (sister)
- Tilly Johnson (sister)
- Frilly Johnson (sister)
- Gherkin Johnson (sister)
- William Johnson (grandfather)
- Beatrice Johnson (grandmother)
• Medical Info:
- No medical history
• Likes:
- Juice
- Socialising
- Surprises
- Throwing parties
• Dislikes:
- Spicy food
- Fizzy drinks
- Stuff that's too sweet
- Alcohol

• Full Name: Darington Kennedy
• Age: 23
• Birthday: 13th of December
• Ethnicity: Kenyan/American
• Family:
- Starla Kiprono (cousin)
- Charlotte Kennedy (mother)
- Daryll Kennedy (father)
- Asher Kiprono (uncle)
- Amore Kiprono (aunt)
• Medical Info:
- Lactose intolerant
• Likes:
- Balloons
- Cats
- Peanuts
- Crowds
• Dislikes:
- When stunts go wrong
- Sour stuff
- Being cold during the night
- Large animals

• Full Name: Stripes Tigre Lago
• Age: 25
• Birthday: 3rd of June
• Ethnicity: Spanish
• Family:
- Valeria Lago (mother)
- Fausto Lago (father)
• Medical Info:
- No medical history
• Likes:
- Balls of yarn/wool
- Most types of milk
- Blankets
- Cuddles
• Dislikes:
- Loud noises
- Oat and soy milk
- Deep water
- Rom-coms

• Full Name: Zeg Chisisi
• Age: 26
• Birthday: 22nd of February
• Ethnicity: Egyptian
• Family:
- Lotus Chisisi (mother)
- Rah Chisisi (father)
• Medical Info:
- Severely allergic to coconut, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts and pine nuts
- Autistic
• Likes:
- Bugs/insects
- Caves
- Surprise hug attacks
- Sleeping
• Dislikes:
- Being forced awake
- Loud noises
- Being cold (he feels it easier than others)
- Lumpy food

• Full Name: Speedrick Diego Hayes
• Age: 23
• Birthday: 1st of January
• Ethnicity: Honduran/Tanzanian
• Family:
- Elena Hayes (mother)
- Olavo Hayes (father)
- Blaze Hayes (twin)
- Sparkle Hayes (sister)
- AJ Hayes (nephew)
• Medical Info:
- Mildly allergic to peanuts (only if ingested)
• Likes:
- Nuts
- Smoking
- Legos™
- Romance films
• Dislikes:
- Being tormented by his twin
- Small talk
- Horror stuff
- Dolls

• Full Name: Sparkle Flores Hayes
• Age: 13
• Birthday: 30th of April
• Ethnicity: Honduran/Tanzanian
• Family:
- Elena Hayes (mother)
- Olavo Hayes (father)
- Speedrick Hayes (brother)
- Blaze Hayes (brother)
- AJ Hayes (nephew)
• Medical Info:
- Mildly allergic to peanuts (only if ingested)
• Likes:
- Glitter
- Family hugs/photos
- Group activities
- Drawing
• Dislikes:
- Bugs
- Plain pictures
- Bland food
- Romance films/shows

OC Characters

• Full Name: Mist Flores Hayes
• Age: 10
• Birthday: 23rd of November
• Ethnicity: Honduran/Tanzanian/Zimbabwean
• Family:
- Elena Hayes (grandmother)
- Olavo Hayes (grandfather)
- Speedrick Hayes (uncle)
- Sparkle Hayes (aunt)
- Blaze Hayes (mother)
- AJ Hayes (brother)
- Aaron Ashton (father)
• Medical Info:
- Heterochromia (1 blue and 1 green)
• Likes:
- Annoying her brother
- Glitter
- Sleeping
- Hiding
• Dislikes:
- Her father
- New people
- People making her family cry
- Olavo's cooking

• Full Name: Aaron Albert Ashton
• Age: 28
• Birthday: 1st of April
• Ethnicity: Zimbabwean
• Family:
- Angus Ashton (father)
- Amanda Ashton (mother)
- Alexis Ashton (sister)
- Mist Hayes (daughter)
• Medical Info:
- No Medical History
• Likes:
- Fruit picking
- Fishing
- Cherry picking the Bible
- Running his part of the agency
• Dislikes:
- Others knowing what he's done
- Non-Christian people
- >4 children near him at once
- Physical contact

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