Chapter VIII: Holy Barbatos!

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     "Your saying you found this little fella in the forest?" Lisa quizzed, petting the bird which cooed in delight. "Yea, just kinda..showed up?" You shrugged as Lisa hummed. 

Last night:



     "So where were you?" Lisa quizzed, demandingly. No longer had her character have a calm aura but instead one of worried, concern and irritation. If you looked closely it could be seen that her eyes were puffed slightly with a red hue. 

'Had she been that worried..?' Guilt filled into your stomach.

"So?" She asked sternly, her arms crossed. You couldn't form the words as your head hung low, "I..I...-" "I was looking for you all over Monstadt and came to the conclusion that you had been killed! I sent a search team to look for you!" Lisa snapped, laying her hand on her head with a sigh.

Guilt and fear crawled up within you. A ball of tangled words forming. 

"I'm...i'm sorry...I-I just, I didn't-..I didn't realize.." You mumbled, your sight blurring as you stared at the ground, waiting anxiously for what comes next.

The room was silent, you felt eyes piercing into your skull. "We'll talk more in the morning. Get some sleep." Was all Lisa said as she closed the door, leaving you with your thoughts.





     The next morning had came slower than you thought. 

You didn't get much sleep last night as you stayed awake unwillingly. Your mind couldn't shut off, instead replayed scenerios of different kinds of what the morning would become. It was only when you looked at stars did you fall into a much needed sleep.  

As you woke up, you had gotten ready and freshened up. Unfortunately you could see slightly visible dark spots forming under your eyes as you looked in the mirror. 

' skin and mental state must be fragile here...'

Getting your last finishing touches you hesitantly went down stairs, preparing for the worst.

You had tried to avoid Lisa's gaze as much as you could as you ate a Sunsettia, it's flavor much like an apple and pear as well as it's texture. 

"So, are you willing to explain last night now?" You heard the voice in front of you ask.




     You told Lisa the story of yesterdays events along with the little bird. Mid way through talking you were worried that Lisa would had made you free the creature. But at the end, the witch seemed to understand though had the condition that you were responsible for it, meaning whatever it does—destroying anything, stealing, making a mess to murdering will be your responsibility.

"That doesn't mean you're off the hook (Name)." Lisa mentioned, her expression faltering. "You worried me last night. I had to get the Favonious Guards involved." She commented which made the guilt return as you avoided her gaze. 

"You'll be having extra chores around this house and help me in the library for a few." She informed as you nodded in understanding. 

Lisa had probably noticed your state as she sighed before giving a light, empathetic smile. "(Name),"

"Please do not feel guilty and beat yourself for this. We all make mistakes, ones that we didn't even know we made." 

"You're still young and on top of that, you're still new here so you can't be blamed for being indulged in these types of things." She reassured, a hand resting on your shoulder in comfort. 

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