Bonus chapter 2: A Hangover from Hell

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Waking up to the sound of retching in the bathroom right next to you was not something you hoped to ever experience again.
   Your head was pounding so hard your stomach churned. The retching sounds didn't help.
Slowly, you dared open your eyes a little bit only to close them quickly. The sunlight was like knives in your eyes and you turned around groaning in pain.
   "Merlin, you two must've had quite a night." A voice cut like a saw through your sleep-addled brain. Through the pain, you managed to recognize it as you slowly opened your eyes again, letting them get adjusted to the light room.
   "Please stop talking, Lenora." You practically begged. "My head hurts."

The retching sounds stopped and a toilet was flushed, followed by running water.
   Not long after, Poppy emerged from the bathroom. Her face was ghostly pale which made her dark circles stand out.
"I feel horrible." She squeaked out faintly.

"You're lucky I knew about the party and was smart enough to think ahead for you." Lenora commented with an air of superiority. It was the one thing that withheld you from actually becoming friends with her.
   She rummaged in her bag and pulled out two vials, pushing one in your hand and one in Poppy's hand. A hangover potion. Poppy immediately downed it.
"You're the best Lenora." She said before going to lay down in bed again.
   You slowly sat up and willed yourself to drink the potion. Your nausea didn't like the foul taste of the potion, but as soon as you swallowed the last of it you felt it go away and the pounding in your head dulled significantly.
   You still felt like garbage though and you plopped back down with a sigh. "Thanks, that feels much better."
   Lenora let out a huff and continued unpacking.

"When did you get back?" You asked curiously as your eyes followed her across the room. "About an hour ago." She answered. "I got some lunch before I went here."
   Lunch? You sat up quickly. "What time is it?"
"It's just after one." Lenora looked at you and scrunched her nose. "You could do with a shower."
"Thanks." You said sarcastically before laying down again. "I'll take one once I'm ready to get out of bed. You didn't have to look to know how she rolled her eyes at you, but she kept quiet.

"Did you see Adelaide?" Poppy spoke up. "Her bed was already made when I woke up."
"Yeah, she was with Andrew Larson at lunch." Lenora told her. "Apparently she wasn't stupid enough to drink so much."
   "Well, now we know who she wanted to impress." You thought aloud.
"She's been eyeing that guy since the beginning of fifth year. It's sad you didn't know that." Lenora finished putting away her belongings and left the room.

"I really don't like her." Poppy giggled at your comment.

The rest of the afternoon was spend in bed. Both Poppy and you were feeling like garbage and were dreading to go down to the Great Hall.
   "I can't believe I snuggled up to Ominis!" Poppy cried out mortified as she burrowed her face in her pillow.
"I don't think he'd be mad about it. He knew you had a few too many drinks." Your comment only made Poppy scream into the pillow.
   She lifted her head up and looked at you. "That doesn't make me feel better. I made a fool out of myself and let everyone know I can't hold my alcohol."
"I can't either, join the club." You said humorlessly. "Although I think almost everyone was drunk that night, so it couldn't be that bad."

Poppy sat up. "I'd say Ominis was one of the few who was still sober. Which makes me feel so stupid for drinking in the first place! I could've had a nice chat with him instead of throwing myself at him."
   You snorted as you thought back to last night. "You forget Leander had you on the dancefloor for most of the time and I'm pretty sure that's what caused you to drink."
   Poppy groaned. "Don't remind me. My feet are all bruised."

"At least you didn't make the stupid mistake to kiss him." You said softly. You knew she would bombard you with questions, but you didn't care as you needed to talk about it with a friend.
   Poppy shot up from her bed and plopped down on yours, making you bounce a little in place.
"You kissed Sebastian!?" Her eyes were big and she had a grin on her face. "Tell me everything!"
   You looked at the ceiling as you felt your cheeks heat up. "There was Mistletoe hanging over our heads and I just remember thinking it would be a nice opportunity, you know?" When you looked at her, she just smiled encouragingly. You sighed.
"I guess the alcohol helped me be brave enough and before I knew it, we were kissing."
   Poppy squealed. "Did he kiss back?"
"He did eventually and we stopped because Garreth and Natty crashed into one of the globes not far from us. That's when I bolted." You covered your face with your hands in embarrassment as you thought back to that moment.

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