Chapter 1:Help

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Sampo Koski life with his father who was a minery.His mother died 2 years ago after getting birth of him.As one of  citizen in Underworld many people life in poverty.Food and medicine supply that very hard to get and also expensive make Sampo extremely saving their own supply.He will eat less food and shared his food with his father who still work as minery.

Father:Sampo,just eat your food.You dont need to give me.

Sampo:Papa,you work very hard for us.I very grateful because you still care for me.Today I make mashed potato,please eat it~

Sampo know his father doesnt eat since morning.

Father:Sampo...thank you for being my son...

His father sobbing and start eating the food.Sampo just smile and patting his dad shoulder.

Sampo:Big boy dont cry.Dont cry papa,youre a big boy!

Sampo feels happy living with his father even tho their life is very poor.

But one day...
Sampo crying as the villagers told him about his father's death.

That morning,as usual his father doing his work but he saw one of his coworker being attacked by monster.His father try to save them but unfortunately when he manage to  save the coworker the master saw him and pushed him down into the cliff and then he died just like that.

Sampo doesnt have any relative to  depend on.He loves his father so much.He mourn for his father for 3 months.The leader of the orphanage house try to convince him to stay with them until 3 months later Sampo agree to stay in their shelter.

During his stay at orphanage house no one wants to be friend with him.This is because Sampo do not have any nicest clothes in there.The orphanage already give him a new clothes but he never wear it.He feels comfortable with his old clothes that his father gave him.

One day,he heard about Overworld from another kids.They said Overworld is very beautiful and no poverty in there.Sampo feels curious and whenever any visitors from overworld come to visit them,he will ask them many question about overworld.His curiousity become more and more and he decide to go overworld no matter what it takes because he wants to start a new life in there.

Starting from that,he try to persuade people from overworld to adopt him.Unluckily,no one wants him because his filth appearance and he is omega.Many parents doesnt want to adopt omega child because their pheromone is high and can luring them to harass him.

Neither he likes it or not,Sampo must accept his fate for being omega.

Sampo:Seems there is no another way...

Looking that no one wants to adopt him,he decide to secretly go to overworld.From the information he got from the villagers,there is a secret tunnel to go into the overworld.

First,he ran away from orphanage and then he start searching for the tunnel for 2 days.Finally he found the tunnel and without wasting anytime he walk into the tunnel.

The road starting to get smaller and then the road start to going up.He crawling until he see a light infront of him.

Sampo push the thing that covering the exit and finally he can feel a fresh air.



Sampo know someone is watching him and he turn his face.He saw a boy with a blonde hair eating ice cream while sitting on a bench in behind him.

Both of them become silent.


The blonde boy start screaming as he saw Sampo coming out from trashcan.

GePo  /GepardxSampo (Omegaverse)Warning R18 Where stories live. Discover now