Chapter 10:Bye

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After 8 months-

Sampo getting birth of the twins.both of them is a boy
Everyone happy about it.

What sampo feeling sad is none of his sons have his features.They look very same like Gepard.But sampo just keep his sadness from Gepard. this...
Sampo:Yes,your sons.

Gepard always by his side during his labor.Never leave him once.

Sampo give their sons to Gepard to hold  both of them with his arms.Sampo feeling tired after getting birth to his babies.

Gepard kiss their sons and sing a lullaby to them when he heard their softly crying.

Serval and everyone congrats Gepard for having a babies.No one congrats sampo or look at him.

For sampo its fine for him.Everyone in there are Gepard relatives,friends and workers.Sampo doesnt have any friends or relative for visit him.

He want to cry but he just hold it,no way he will cry in front of everyone.

After 2 hours,everyone going out from the room.leaving only sampo,gepard and their babies.

Gepard:Sampo thank you...

Said gepard while warming smiling to sampo.

Sampo just ignore gepard and turn his body from Gepard.He tried to sleep.

Gepard:Sampo,are you alright?

Sampo:Im fine.

Gepard:But you just stay quiet for so long?Are you hurt anyway?I can call doctor for-

Sampo:Whats the matter if i exist in here or not?No one try to talk to me either.

Finally sampo letting out his true feeling.Yes,he jealous Gepard have many attention.

Gepard:Sampo im sorry if I-

Sampo:Shut up,after this week i will go out from this place.

Gepard:What do you mean?

Sampo:You still dont get it?I will leave this place.You can take your child because its yours.I just only in here just delivers it to you.

Gepard:Sampo,stop it.Dont be ridiculous,you dont think about our child?

Sampo:Yes,i think about them but maybe they just being alright in here after a long time.

Gepard:...youre so mean.

Gepard look down and look at their babies.both of them look exactly like him.

Sampo:Yes,im so mean.So what?You want to arrest me?Go ahead then,no one care about me,no one will notice if I died or not.I think its better if i leave early before 'your' babies recognise my face.They will feeling ashame if they knew how dirty their mom is.


Gepard try to control his temper.He know that sampo just getting birth of their babies and his emotion doesnt stable.

Sampo just smirk.

Sampo:Yes,but look st them.Both of them have similar features like you.None of them looked like me.You should relieves because you will forget me easily-


Gepard shout at Sampo he getting angry Sampo.He realise that sampo getting jealous of him.

Their twin babies start crying.Sampo quickly pick them up from Gepard arms and comfort them.Then,he breastfeed them.

Their babies stop crying.Gepard look at sampo.He start to feeling guilty to shout at Sampo. sorry for shouting at you.



After one week,Sampo run away leaving gepard and his babies in overworld.Sampo give a final kiss to his sons and then leave.Of course he crying.He want to bring them with him but knowing that his life is so hard,theres no way he letting his sons beeing like him,a scammer.

Why not just married with Gepard?For that,he never think to marrying Gepard.He had a little crush with Gepard but he know their social status are very different.Also,he doesnt want meet with gepard parents again.He doesnt scare of them but he hates their disgusting stare at him.Looking at him like a disaster.

He take his blades and smoke bombs that Gepard hide from him and walk to the door that leading to the outside.

Then,he open the door and leave them forever.



-14 years later-

Sampo walk happily with the money he get.Today he can eat fancier than before.

After he go away from overworld,Gepard never look for him,he know that Gepard still angry about his selfishness.Like nothing happen between them.When they saw each other they just walk passing each other and act like dont know anything.


Said sampo while walking to Caelus,Dan heng and march 7th.

March 7th:If you want to scamming us again,we report you to the silvermane Guards.

Sampo:whoa girly,i  just saying a hi to all of you.

Said sampo while give them a :3 smile.

Caelus:Oh,hi :)

Sampo:Its been a while we dont meet each other.Anything amazing happen?


Dan heng:We are getting married

Dan heng said while holding Caelus hands.Sampo saw a golden ring on their fingers.

Sampo:Getting married but already wear a ring~?

Caelus:T-this is couple ring!right dan heng?!

Dan heng just nodding at caelus.

Sampo just smirk.Theres no way thats a couple ring.looking at their design,it like from Luofu.

He realise that caelus stomach had a little bump.

Sampo:Hehe~seems like someone will getting a babies before married huh~?

Dan heng:Im not rape him!

Sampo:Yeah I know,you propose after 'sleep' together right?

Dan heng:...yes.*blushing*

Sampo:congrats,with you a happy life.

March 7th:wait,sleep together can make someone pregnant????

Ask march 7th innoncently.
After teasing dan heng,caelus and march 7th,sampo walk into his old house.he doesnt stay in there anymore but sometimes he will go there to remember about his father and the moment he had with gepard.

But then he stop as he saw someone looking at his old house.

To be continue

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