Chapter One

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It was the insistent beeping of his alarm that awoke Sharrkan. With a groan, he reached out from underneath his covers to slam the thing off. He shivered at the exposure. The safety underneath his blankets was so warm and inviting.. he didn't want to get up. School, however, had different plans. He sighed again and turned back under the covers, grinning sleepily at the head of red hair beside him. He knew his boyfriend was an early riser normally. But they'd been up late last night.

The white-haired male scooted closer to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the other's bare middle. Spartos stirred lightly, unconsciously snuggling back into the intense warmth that was Sharrkan. How he didn't wake up from that alarm, he'd never know. But he was precious when sleeping.

It was a light, chaste kiss on his cheek that awoke Spartos. His eyes opened slowly before he yawned. Sharrkann grinned, tugging him even closer. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty."

Spartos mumbled something incoherent and Sharrkan didn't bother to ask him to repeat. Spartos wouldn't fully wake up and be understandable until he got his coffee.

"Come on, Sleepyhead. We've got school. And if we leave early enough, we can stop at Starbucks~" He half-sang, mostly to tease his beau. Oh, how the tables had turned; normally it was the redheaded bookworm that had to wrestle Sharrkan out of bed.

Spartos mumbled something again before sitting up, searching for his clothes on the floor. He ended up grabbing one of Sharrkan's shirts, but he didn't mind. In fact, he loved when Spartos would wear his clothes. It was like an unofficial way of saying "He's mine."

Not that anyone would try anything. Everyone who was anyone knew about those two, especially Spartos. At least in Sharrkan's position, he was only bisexual. Meaning he was only "half-bad", according to the ignorant crowds at school. Spartos on the other hand was 100% gay, and everyone knew it. They ridiculed him for it, discriminated even. It was terrible. Up until Sharrkan "rescued" him anyway. His knight in shining armor, you could say. But that's a completely different story. 

Sharrkan tugged on his own clothes, making sure he looked okay in the mirror before descending the stairs. He knew Spartos would take a little while in the bathroom, taking care of his hair and hygiene. He definitely cared more than Sharrkan did. Sharrkan hummed lightly to himself as he gathered his things, tucking them all in his backpack and slipping on his shoes. He was about to call up to Spartos again before said redhead was already downstairs. 

"About time- I was about to leave you behind." Sharrkan kidded as he hugged him close, kissing his temple.

"You can't drive." Spartos retorted, hugging him back and yawning a little. 

"Why're you so tired today?" 

The shorter male sent him a light glare as he walked past him to grab his bag. "Why do you think?"

Sharrkan laughed a little and waited by the door, twirling Spartos' keys around his finger. "Well, y'know, you're the one that kept begging for more~" He smirked.

Spartos tch'd some, snatching his keys and leaving the house without saying anything. Point one for Sharrkan. 

The baseball-enthusiast followed his boyfriend to the car (a blue 2010 mustang- given to him from his older brother) and climbed into the passenger seat. He tossed his bag into the back seat and smiled at Spartos. "Starbucks?" He asked hopefully.

Spartos, the ever punctual student, glanced at the clock before nodding. "Definitely."

Sharrkan wooted as he fastened his seat belt, leaning over to kiss Spartos' on the cheek. "You're the best, babe~" 

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