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I was just trying to get my well-deserved sleep after a very long day, but Nathan had other plans. That little asshole wouldn't turn off the sound of his phone's game, no matter how much I begged. I guess it was kind of a revenge, cause I had woken him up that day blasting music. Anyway, since I obviously was not going to fall aleep, I got out of the room to at least do some productive stuff, like... Who am I trying to trick? I was just planning on annoying the shit out of Cameron. If his baby brother was going to be a bitch, he'd pay the consequences.

But I was suddenly paralized, watching the awful scene happening in the room in front of my eyes. Cameron was on the floor, trying to get reacrions from a beeding unconscious Matthew next to a broken lamp. James was helping Zach getting his wrists free from some ropes, and Ryan was in a corner freaking out and grabbing his chest. No shit, Ryan was having a full panic attack. I rushed to his side, not thinking twice before pulling him up in my arms and leaving the room with him, entering the closest bathroom and closing the door behind us. I gently placed him on the floor, where he sat down, his back pressed against the wall and his arms holding his knees touching his chest. I tried to make him breath slowly, count things with me, and everything that I knew could help, but I got absolutely no reaction from him. It was starting to get really serious, so I had to act quick. I pulled him up by his armpits and pulled his shirt off. I grabbed his arms tightly and forced his upper body under the shower, that I turned on in the coldest temperature. He let out a high pitched scream and tried to get out but I held him tight. The coldness hitting his bare skin quickly made it's effect and his breathing slowed down alogn with his heart beats.

- Kyle, please, I'm okay now.

That's all I needed to hear before turning off the shower head and grabbing a towel that I wrapped around his shivering body, before holding the poor boy tight in my arms, letting him cry on my neck.

Once he stopped crying, I grabbed another towel and dried his hair.

- Why dont we go to my room and you borrow a shirt? - I said softly.

He nodded understanding that I was avoiding his room. Nathan wasn't there when we entered. I ordered Ryan to sit on my bed while I looked for a shirt that wasn't going to be too big on him.

I was just sitting down when Nathan rushed inside the room.

- Okay you are here - he said out of breath - Cam is going to take Matthew to the Emergency Room.

- Shit, is he still unconscious? - I asked really worried.

- No, but now he's just mumbling nonsense words, not opening his eyes. His head is wrapped to prevent him to bleed too much.

Ryan started to cry again, and as I wrapped my arm around his shoulder, the images of the situation of the room came back to my head and realization hit me like a slap on the face. Matthew really went on with that Zachary shit.

- Fuck, Nat. Zach had his wrists tied up when I entered. - I said, feeling Ryan's shoulders tense.

- What? - Nathan was shocked, slowly reading my mind. - Oh God...

Ryan's cries got louder, and then I looked at his hand. I hadn't noticed  he had a small cut.

A small cut from a glass?

The broken lamp on the floor.

Matthew bleeding unconscious.

Ryan's guilt.

Fuck, Ryan's guilt?

- Ryan what the fuck happened.

I wasn't gentle this time. I wanted, I needed answers. But the crying boy was saved by the bell, when a very sleepy Hayden came inside the room rubbing his eyes.

- Hey buddy, you should go back to bed. - Nathan said, slowly rubbing his back.

But our sweet teen had already noticed Ryan crying, and he had probably heard Cameron get out of the house.

- What's going on? - he asked, a bit of fear on his voice.

And I honestly wished I could have had an answer.


We were in the waiting room, Aleck was still asleep on my lap his legs wrapped around my waist and his face buried in my neck. I was gently rubbing his back up and down. The nurse came back out and gave us the thumbs up to go. But just as we were about to get up, Carter got a phone call. He answered quickly, and I sighed in relief seeing that the sleeping boy hadn't woken up.

- Oh shit - Carter said, his eyes wide open, hand covering mouth and obviously worried as fuck. - Yeah we're still here... It's okay Cam, he'll be fine. Just make sure you are right by his side when he is fully conscious again, okay?... Call me when you know anything more... Yes I know, it' be smarter to go home...

I was so frustrated. I wanted to know what was going on, but I wasn't getting many answers from my guardian.

- Carter, what happened?-I tried asking.

- Let's go to the car, we're going home. - he said firmly.

- But what did Cam say? - I insisted.

- Car. NOW. - He whisper/yelled to not wake up Aleck.

I knew better than to argue with an upset and already angry Carter, so I just shut my mouth.

The ride home was extremely quiet. Aleck was passed out on the back seat. I sat next to him, letting his head rest on my shoulder. Once parked, Carter turned around before I could get out of the car.

- Maxwell, no matter what is going on right now in the house, you're going to take Aleck to your room and  you will both sleep. Understood? - he said. He was really serious.

- But Carter, why can't Aleck go to his room?


Shit he was fuirous.

- Yes sir.

I picked out the sleeping boy and took him inside. I didn't want to make Carter even more mad, so I completely ignored the sounds I heard and entered my room. I layed Aleck on my bed, and he started slowly opening his eyes.

- Hey buddy, close your eyes. We're home now, okay? - I said softly.

I laid down next to him, playing with his hair. I closed my own eyes, trying hard not to think about the messy situation in the house. And I just dozed off to sleep.


James was massaging my bruised wrists. The moment was so sweet that I almost forgot everything that had happened. He cupped my face with his hands, gently caressing my cheeks and looking into my eyes.

- What happened? - he asked almost whispering.

I stayed quiet, words wouldn't form and I really couldn't explain. I tried to read his emotions on his face. A tear escaped my eyes and he used his finger to wipe it. Our faces got closer and closer, until I finally felt his lips connect with mine.

A/N I hope you are liking thiss, please don't forget to comment!!!

As always, vote and enjoy :)

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