Chapter five

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The first day of class is alway the best, all the teachers try to make us interested in there classes so we won't be so annoying for the rest of the year. I wake up early today because there was shuffling in my room.

I open my eyes to see Hermione running around our dorm room frantically. "Hermione it isn't even 6 in the morning yet and your already ready. I say getting out of my warm comfortable bed. I really missed this place over the summer.

I put on my usual shortish skirt and my white long sleeved shirt. "When will you wear the actual dress code, Snape gets mad you everyday because of it." Hermione says. "Live a little Mione," I say brushing my brown hair.

I brushed my teeth and brides my hair to the side. I slid on shoes and I linked arms with Hermione, "lets go down the the common room." I say, "ok," she says and we walk down the stairs and Ron and Harry were already down there which surprised me. They never wake up early especially Ron, it is the reason they are always late to class.

They hadn't seen them so I used this to my advantage, I run and jump on Ron's back. He screams like a little girl and I laugh, "Felicity!" he yells, the starts running around the room with me on his back they he was giving me a piggyback ride.

"Bring me to the great hall you peasant," I exclaim jokingly, "yes your majesty." He says. I lift on arm and yell, "FOR NARNIA!" Harry and Hermione laugh at me from behind us and we run out of the portrait hole, I make sure to lost my head so it doesn't hit the top of the portrait hole.

Ron brings me all the way down to the great hall and once we get there I jump off and sit down across from Ron. Harry and Hermione come in a minute later Harry sits next to me and Hermione across from me next to Ron.

Ron was already digging in and eating like a pig, "gross Ronald, do you ever stop eating!" Hermione exclaimed. "Do you ever stop learning," Ron said with his mouth full of food. "Your disgusting," she says. "Come on Felicity I don't want to be late for class," she say grabbing my arm and dragging me away.

"But haven't eaten yet," I complain but she just keeps dragging me away. I mouth 'help me' all dramatic like and Ron and Harry laugh at me. I see Hermione play with a necklace that I remember reading about. "Why do you have a time turner," I ask her and we stop walking.

"To get to classes I'm taking at least 12 this year," she says, "don't worry I won't tell anyone. Just don't get into any trouble," I say. Harry and Ron Come up be hind us and Hermione excuses herself and it just left me and the guys.

I jump up and Ron's back, "up, up and away. Take me to divination!" I exclaims and we do the same thing we did to get to breakfast. Once we get in we all take a seat together and wait for class to begin.

More and more people kept coming and when Seamus came in and saw us he walked over. "Ronald Weasley, actually showed up for class early, pinch me I think I'm dreaming," He joked and I laughed. When went up the stairs and sat at a table next to Bem.

The teacher walked in, she had big hair and bug eyes. "Welcome students in this class you will explore the art of divination, together we shall cast ourselves into the future!" She exclaimed. "What a load of rubbish," Hermione says and Ron and Harry jump five feet in the air.

"Where did you come from," Ron exclaims, "me I've been here the whole time," she says and my see her out her time turner under her shirt. "In this class we will go to the beyond! I'm am professor Trelawney! Now, look at the cup of the person sitting across from you." She says.

Me and Hermione which and Harry and Ron which, Professsor comes over to our table and looks down at Ron. "Are you in the beyond I think you are! Now tell me what do you see?" She asks him.

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