Stepdad prt.2|lil durk⭐️

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It's been ten minutes since she started running from the 3 man she can't think or feel while she ran

she only could hear her heart beating a thousand miles a second

"Why me why is it always fuckin me" she thought she noticed the 3 man wasn't behind her no more

but kept running from a good five minutes then stopped

She looked up at the seeing it was going dark

she find herself in apart of town she ain't know it was cold asf  out she tried to pull down her white dress as much as she could

she walked the path she ran down and it was nun but drug dealers and

3 man who looked like the niggas who was chasing her

"Aye foe if u see a girl with red dreads and a white dress let us know" one said

before they walked away she creeped behind them trying to slip a phone out one of their back pocket but failed

"Damn" she mouthed they back to the black car and sped off legs was to sore to keep going so she laid in a corner behind a old car



"SHIT MAYBE YOU DID" she yelled back durk is not the type to put his hands on women but he wanted to slap her for even saying that

"man move" durk then turned around to set down

"or what nigga" she pushed the back of his head so he pushed her back

"aye yall chill" Von held durk

"this ain't gon help us fin that's baby" asain complained

"We knocked down every opp door that we know or where she could be" durk said rubbing his face

"u know any one of  who wants to hurt her or y'all" Asain asked the gf

"no she goes to school and comes home that's it" they could could the lie on her face

"if it's sum that we need to know" said Von

"IDK" she lied again

durk pushed passed her and walked up to Nani room trashing it for anything could help

He then found her back up phone he came down stairs asking "what's the password"

"idk" "stop playin yes u do" Von snatched the phone typing the code 27,30,26 his durk and Asain age

"tol me just in case" Von said to durk while handing it to him durk want to the message app seeing a contact named gdk

he clicked on it seeing messages threatening her for months and one say durk well fuc u up if find out mama fucin with u

"So u fucking with opps" he looked up from the phone she felt stares from everybody

"who's gdk" asain asked

"ionk but it one of them niggas I know it" durk then checked the time 1:00 am

"listen muwop and resse take the back Von me and u at the gate the rest of yall behold the rest of yall ride around make sure y'all check every part" they agreed and split up


She woke up after feeling asleep in the corner it was cold asf out

she got up thinking no one was on the path she started walking

she walked past the 3 man relized she started running

for a good second she was good until they started running after her

"here we again" she said to herself nani binned every corner she could but the last one was a dead end

only one boy kept up with her he had her back up into the brick wall he started throwing hits left to right

and hitting her in the face a couple time before she fall repeatedly kicking her in the stomach and stomping on her rib

"fuck" she yelled he kicked her once more before coming down to her lever trying to pull her dress up

she realized what he was doing and started kicking him over and over till she knocked the gun out his pocket

making him looked down then kicked him both feet in the face Nani crawled over to the gun

and turned over as he walked over to her and shot him twice in the stomach and arm

Bleed splattered all over her face and dress he fell on her

she slowly pushed him off her she stared at him before going up still holding the gun hand

running down out of the path way in pain holding her rib crying hoping at some minute she sees parkway

Durk and Von was giving starting giving up hope thinking they might have to the feds

"durk I think we need some sleep" Von suggested

durk nodded and walked into the gate but heard running from a far

"fuck" he heard the curse from her mouth

Von and durk walked back out the gate seeing a short girl with dreadlocks "Nani" he yelled out

the girl she stop to check who is was he watched as the girl pushed herself to keep running

She finally made it to him and fell in his arms making them fall to the ground with her dress that was drenched in the boy blood

some what on her face "I'm sorry durk I never mean nun I said to u" she cried as he held her upper body up

"it's alr lil folks we gon get chu right" durk taking the gun out her hand

"I don't want do it I swear" she cried more

Von stood there holding back tears saying "it's alr shorty it's like that sometimes"

"com on ma get up" durk said

Von walked over to them helping them up durk picked her up she never felt this safe in a while

he felt her put her head on his chest he kissed her forehead walking in the gate while Von watched thier backs"

Ptr.3 coming

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