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Opening my eyes the next morning, I realise that I'm still pressed up against somebody. Turning my head I see Leah, still asleep and hearing her breathing softly. I shuffle around to get up before she wakes, but an arm pulled me back down.

"Leah we have to get up it's game day remember." I muffled.

"Five more minutes." She groaned.

"No, no more minutes we have to go eat and do meetings and press conferences and media and meet people and get on a bus and play a semi-final and-" I rambled.

"Okay, okay I get it I'm getting up." Leah yawned throwing the duvet off the bed.

Today was our semi final against Sweden, so once again it was getting up early to eat before getting on our coach to Sheffield, as we were playing in Bramall Lane tonight and crowds were expected.

We got ready in a comfortable silence, getting dressed into our travel gear before making sure our bags were packed for the day.

"Leah you got everything?" I asked.

"Yep, think so." She said zipping up her bag and throwing her headphones round her neck.

"So who's boots are those lying next to the radiator?" I smiled.

"Shit, those are mine. Thanks Ev." Leah said picking them up and picking up her keycard before we left the room.

We were in a bit of a hurry to get down as I forgot to set an alarm with all the excitement of watching the film last night, dumping our backpacks at the front door with all the rest of the others we quickly go into the dining hall to eat.

"Nice of you both to finally join us" Millie laughs.

"Oh shush Mill we were so tired because we had to watch your boring movie last night." I said sitting down with my toast.

"Evan, did you take your tablet this morning?" Jess asks me, always the carer.

"Shit no I never, they're in my backpack hold on." I panicked getting up.

"No Evan, I'll get them don't worry stay there." Leah tells me, through a grape in her mouth before walking back out the room to fetch my iron tablets.

"Okay, what is happening there?" Rachel smirks.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Evan don't be stupid two weeks ago you hated each other and now she's going out of her way to make sure you taking your tablets so you don't pass out." Millie said.

"I think she's just being nice." I smiled.

"Yeah she's been nice, but she wouldn't do that for anyone else on that team." Jess said.

"Ev here take one now, so you don't forget again." Leah tells me putting the bottle of pills on the table.

"Thanks Leah you didn't have to do that." I smiled at her.

I took my pill quickly hoping it would do it job before we all got up to get on the bus to Sheffield, it was always quite the process getting on the bus, with some of the girls just getting straight on some of them ending up in the Starbucks at St Georges Park and taking forever, it always took too long to get going.

I got straight on the bus, giving our cameraman a wave as I went, walking towards the back to sit myself in a two seater against the window. I pulled my headphones on and put on my match day playlist, full of upbeat songs to get the blood pumping. A couple of minutes later I feel tap on my shoulder, looking round I see Leah and take a headphone out wondering what she wanted.

She held a Starbucks cup out to me, saying that she didn't know my favourite, but she just guessed.

"It's a frappuccino but it doesn't have coffee in it." She said.

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