Rules AU

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Dean didn't like the 'festive' season. No, really. It wasn't the cold weather that he hated. Truth be told he loved coming home all wrapped up in his black winter coat and huddle on his couch with a hot drink and that hot after shower feeling every night. And he wished it would snow more often so he could dance outside, mess around with his brothers family and especially his niece and nephews.

Dean enjoyed the anticipation to New Year's Eve party's and new year new him. It wasn't the festive TV that almost drives him over the edge every year, or the cheesy chiché falling in love at Christmas time films he had to endure.

No. It was the fact that he'd have to spend at least one evening of his well-earned holidays with his large extended family and their friends, who give him the worst food and inevitably ask him about his love life. It was hell on earth.

Dean was tired of everyone being so obsessed with his love life. It's not that he isn't interested, but whomever he meets, he wants it to be on his own terms, not theirs. He doesn't want blind dates or apps or online profiles. Call him a hopeless romantic but he believes he'll find the right person when it's time.

"Why are you still single?"

"Tell us why men in their thirties find it hard to settle down!"

"Why do you find it difficult to get into a relationship? It's easy! Just do it online like I did!"

"How's your sex life, Dean?"

"How many one night stands do you have? Being a guy like you, you must get by a lot!"

"Do you want us to find you a wife?"

Only Dean didn't want a wife. He wanted a husband. He wanted to tell them that.

More importantly and first off he wanted the guy down the corridor from him in his block of apartments to just notice him.

Opposite him and a little down the hall (they were the only two occupying the floor at this time of year) the hunky blue-eyed man was currently making himself a meal, having a shower and being his natural beautiful self. Dean peaked at his mail one day, addressed to a 'Mr. Novak'.

Dean Novak...

Dean hated himself for it. Really, pining over this man who he couldn't even make eye contact with without falling to pieces and blushing. Then later he'd probably have a cold shower and cuddle up in a ball for a while. Then eat chocolate for the next week while watching re-runs of Friends.

So he had the biggest crush on this angelic man, he knew how much bad could come of it.

The guy was probably straight as an arrow, even if (and that's a big if) the fore mentioned wasn't true, Dean wasn't anyone's type. Only the girls went after him, and that's only fun when you're young and can do whatever.

Dean fell for the way Novak was always having that gentle and small smile when he saw Dean, his lips curling up to sometimes a rare more toothy smile at him. They made Dean's heart melt and stuck with him all day and night. Then the mans jaw line was exquisite, truly. All Dean wanted to do was run his lips along them, give them all the attention. His cheekbones and sculpted face were like hand carved from Angels hands to perfection.

The man stood with perfect posture a sharp suit and tie, while his firm hands fumbled with the keys to get into his apartment. Sometimes also Dean would catch Novak letting out a little kitten lick across his bottom lip. Dean could imagine his tongue elsewhere...

Mornings were normally spent cleaning up his sticky pants from perfect dreams of a heaven he could never have.

And finally Dean could never wipe the colour of Novak's eyes out of his mind. If he went blind he would always remember those blue eyes and the way they glinted in the hallway light. It was like looking up to the sun from clear seas underwater.

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