One Star In The Sky Leads Sailors Home AU

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Request from @Dish23 , thanks for it! It's super cute and I was excited to write it. I think I got carried away in different directions for most of it.

Dean shuffled nervously where he stood, looking down at his twitching feet that felt like they needed to move. He swayed back and forth, hands behind his back clasping at these words that'll mean so much in paper and scruffy hand writing because nothing was perfect. Sentimental imperfections of his life were what made it special, unique to him. To everyone he shared it with.

Dean wasn't good with words. So there he was, heart beat felt through every inch of his body and adrenaline rushing around, head dizzy and faint.

He squeezed his eyes, hung his head and bit his lip. Silence surrounded him but he could only focus on the loud blood flow running through his ears and the distant ting of a silver spoon tapped on a glass.

Then he felt it. 240 pairs of eyes glaring at him with expectancy. 240 people and the press, but they didn't really count.

He got this, no problem. He knew what to say, he knew what was happening and he had complete control. Come on. Everyone is waiting, Dean.

A gentle hand placed on the inside of his elbow, shaking him lightly followed by a soft voice, filled with worry. Dean opened his eyes and saw all the bright white again. His gaze followed the delicate hand with the silver ring on and followed past the pale white skin to the bodies' platinum blonde hair and dress.

"Dad?" She softly said.

Dean cleared his throat and raised to look up at the audience. "Uh, hey..."

He got a drunk and enthusiastic 'hey' back or a grumbled and uninterested chant in return from the other half. The scrutinising and judging faces waited in anticipation as though Dean would be their main entertainment for the night. Now he truly understood how difficult public speaking was.

But after the best man speech and a few champagnes later he felt much more confident than 2 hours ago.

"Uh, daughter is married. And I never thought I'd see it because you could never settle. You were being yourself for the majority of you're life so far, and I know it will be amazinger as you grow old with the man you can now call your husband. I speak for everyone here when we say you light up the room you walk in with wit, humour and charm. And believe me when I say that I could not be prouder of you." There was a mixture of 'aww's from certain people - Aunt Charlie was already sobbing her eyes out and Dean still had no idea why she was here.

But then he did.

"Mary wouldn't be among us and the misfortune of knowing us," a few people chuckled and Dean grinned around at them, "or we wouldn't have the pleasure of loving her if it were not for Charlie..."

Heads turned, awkward side glances were made and Charlie froze in her seat, clutching her bag. The sore spot in the pretty dysfunctional family was her ex, maybe not everyone had forgot yet.

"And I know you don't want me rambling about old times," Dean interrupted, taking in a deep breath and holding the paper in front of himself, just so he could see it. "But I think you deserve to know a little about how you came to be. So settle down Mary, it simpler than you'd think."

~ "Dean," came a harsh whisper from the back of the class, right on the table beside Dean. Dean ignored all attempts of contact and communication.

This was his last year, his last month and no one was going to stop him from achieving those high grades. He'd organised his living space, his mind and got rid of all the girls on the way. It was just him and last year of high school education for these few more weeks and then he'd be free.

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