Feathers and Freckles HS!AU

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Dean let everyone know. As soon as he realised it, Dean practically screamed it from the roof tops. Well...literally more like.

He stood on top of the school roof and shouted down at his year that was gathering for a field trip. After grabbing everyone's attention and waving his arms about, everyone confused as to how he got up there, several shoutings from teachers for him to get the fuck down and many more telling him not to kill himself, the whole place went quiet.

"I am in love with Castiel Novak!" He loudly announced.

Cas was that vaguely popular nerd that got all the girls but pushed every single one away. He was timid, clever, dry sense of humour and extremely caring.

And well...Dean was almost opposite and they say opposites attract. So that's what happened.

Everyone turned their heads to Cas, who was blushing a really dark shade of red by this time it clashed with his messy hair. He daren't look up, hating the attention. But everyone was cheering around him it was hard not to notice.

He just tutted and turned around, getting on the coach as all the other people just stared at him.

Needless to say it was a somewhat awkward trip.

The next time their interaction occurred was when they were walking back home the following night. Cas held his little brothers hand as they crossed the street and Dean jogged up behind them, and began talking to Gabriel about Cas - in front of his face.

Cas was still embarrassed about the whole love confession thing, but he tried not to act differently. Who does that nowadays anyway? He just wanted it to be over and forgotten.

"What do you think Cas?" Dean suddenly asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hm? Sorry, what?"

"My shirt," he said simply; Cas looked down and liked it, but didn't know what exactly to say about it, so he squinted his eyes. "It's boyfriend material, Cas," he winked.

He did not just play that card, did he? Oh my god he did.

Cas rolled his eyes and carried on walking, a bit faster this time. It seemed Winchester wasn't giving up on wooing him anytime soon.

The next day Cas was busing himself in his locker, sorting out everything. Being the oldest in the school, he was getting all the attention, all the conversations and gossip from the younger years, and more people asking him about Dean than he hoped.

Even the teachers were giving him 'looks'. That's when he knew it was getting weird.

Out of no where Dean came up to him, skidding next to the locker with folded arms and a cocky grin on his face. Cas really wasn't in the mood.

"Hey, Cas," Dean began.

Castiel refused to make eye contact and had the most unimpressed expression possible while still sorting the contents of his bag and locker out.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

And Cas almost choked on the air around him. It's cheesy and classic, almost tragic that Dean has stooped that low for Cas. "Really...Dean?"

"Oh come on, it's an honest question, angel." Dean leans his side up the locker next to Castiel's and runs a hand through his hair. "Aww, you're breaking my heart."

"Goodbye Dean," Cas turns away, throwing his bag over his back, "I'll see you in class."

So that day went terribly too. Charlie, his best friend, was constantly asking him about when he's going to go out with this Dean Winchester. The answer was always 'never'.

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