Chapter 8

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Mateo Volkov

After waking up Amelia and Niko, Andrei, Maxim and I went downstairs to the kitchen because it was already time for breakfast.

After half an hour, Amelia and Niko finally joined us. I prepared pancakes because I wasn't sure what Amelia preferred for breakfast. I hope she likes it.

When we walked into her room earlier, I was really happy to see them cuddling. It meant that she felt comfortable enough to have him around in an vulnerable state and it meant a lot to all of us.

All of us sat down around the kitchen counter and started eating breakfast. We had some light conversations until Amelia's phone started to ring.

Amelia Volkov

Mid breakfast my phone started to ring. As i checked who was calling I saw Damien's name pop up on my phone. "May I take this?" I asked not sure if it was ok to answer my phone while we were eating.

"Sure, but stay here and put it on speaker." Andrei stated expectantly.

"Oh, uhm sure" I mumbled as I answered the phone. "Hei, bare så du vet at du er på høyttaler." I blurted out before Damien could say anything.

(Hey, just so you know you are on speaker.)

"Hva mener du "Hei" hvor er du kjære? Er alt ok?" Damien sounded concerned and angry. I understand because I just left the country over night. Damn I should have called them sooner.

(What do you mean "Hey" where are you sweetheart? Is everything ok?)

"Ja jeg har det bra. Egentlig er jeg i New York fordi betjenten fra forrige gang fant min biologiske familie, så jeg måtte bo hos dem. Beklager at jeg skulle ha ringt deg før, det var bare så stressende. Beklager." I explained kinda embarrassed.

(Yes, I'm fine. Actually I'm in New York because the officer from last time found my biological family so I had to live with them. I'm sorry I should have called you sooner, it was just so stressful. I'm sorry.)

"Å kjære, vi visste ikke. Jeg beklager, engel. Er du sikker på at du er ok? Vent, sa du New York?" Jay said with a comforting but stressed voice.

(Oh sweetheart, we didn't know. I'm sorry, angel. Are you sure you're ok? Wait did you say New York?)

"Ja, jeg er i New York. Jeg har allerede fortalt deg at jeg har det bra? Nå er virkelig ikke en god tid. Jeg ringer deg senere, ok?" I wanted to explain everything to them without my brothers listening.

(Yeah, I'm in New York. I already told you I'm fine ok? Now is really not a good time. I will call you later, alright?)

"Selvfølgelig kjære. Hvis du trenger noe, bare ring oss, ok?" Damien said in a very sweet voice.

(Of course, baby. If you need anything just call us, ok?)

"Bye" was the last thing they said before I hung up the phone.

All of my brothers looked weirdly at me.

"What was that language?" Mateo was the first to speak.

"Norwegian" I answered honestly.

"Who did you speak to?" He continued.

"Damien and Jason, my best friends" I answered nonchalantly.

They all just nodded and went on with their own conversations, but Andrei looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite understand.

"Amelia, Maxim and Nikolay will go shopping with you after breakfast." He didn't ask, he demanded.

I just nodded in response not really wanting to talk right now. After we cleaned everything up, I went to my bedroom, took a shower and put on some comfortable yet nice clothes.

Amelia VolkovWhere stories live. Discover now