Chapter 12

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Andrei Volkov

I heard the front door open and went to check if Amelia came back already. As I locked eyes with her I was a little taken aback.

She looked exhausted. Not just physically but mentally. Has she been crying? Her eyes and nose are still slightly red. Must have been some time ago. Hm. She looked sad and it broke my heart.

"Hey ангел, everything ok?" I asked concerned.


She looked at me confused and nodded. I furrowed my brows and took slow steps until I was right in front of her. My hand cupped her chin and I tilted her face slightly upwards so that she was looking at me properly.

"Can I hug you?" I whispered unsure if she wanted my embrace. She nodded again and I hugged her close to my body. She was so damn small and fragile, I'm scared I might break her. At the first second she tenses up bit she soon relaxes into my hold as I reassure her that I won't hurt her. I hear a sniffle but I don't want to make her uncomfortable so I just hold her tighter and stroke through her hair ehile pressing her head against my chest.

I missed her. So much.

I feel her getting more tired against my chest so I decide to pick her up bridal style. She flinches but relaxes again as she lets sleep take over. I carefully make my way to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed, careful not to wake her.

She looks peaceful.

I don't want to wake her so I decide to sit a little longer next to her but the next thing she says surprises me.

"Hold me, please" she whispered softly.

I laid next to her and pulled her body into mine. Her head resting on my chest while my hands were holding her firmly against my body. She murmures a soft 'thank you' as her breath evens out and her body's goung limp. A wave of tiredness suddenly crashes over me as I watch her sleep, I closed my eyes and immediately fell into a deep slumper.

I woke up to Amelia crying in her sleep. She always repeated the same words 'why did you leave' and 'i needed you'. It broke my heart even though I wasn't sure what she was talking about. I started to lightly shaking her awake. At first she was startled and my heart broke even more when I saw the look in her eyes.

Hurt. Betrayal. Sadness. Anger. Exhaustion.

The only logic thing I could do in that moment was to hug her against my body and try to calm her down.

"It's okay angel. You are safe with me. Noone is going to hurt you. I promise" I whispered into her hair as she snuggled deeper into my chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" she repeated over and over again until the Exhaustion took over and she went limp against my body.

I was so helpless and it honestly scared me.

I don't know her.
I don't know what happened to her since she was taken away.

I was so scared to ask or to even think about it.

I just want to make her happy.

And with that I fell asleep again.

Amelia Volkov

As I woke up there was this familiar warmth that made me feel safe and relaxed. I snuggled deeper into my rock hard, but yet comfortable pillow until my pillow started to laugh.

The fuck? Since when do pillows laugh?


In shock I started to look around and realized that my 'pillow' was actually a chest. Andrei's chest...

My face was red like a tomato when I locked eyes with him.

"Good morning" he groaned in a husky voice.

"Morning" I replied embarrassed.

He chuckled and held me closer to him which felt really nice.

"What's the time?" I asked tiredly.

"It's only 7 a.m. No need to hurry" he smiled kindly at me.

I yawned and decided to get a needed shower.

Andrei closed the door behind him as he left my room so I could get ready for the day.

After I showered and put on some comfy clothes I checked my phone.

My mood immediately soured as I read the text messages from Luca.

I completely forgot that I wanted to meet him today.

Luca: Good morning stella. I will wait at 5 in the cafe we always talked about when we were children.

This whole situation is stressing me out but I really need to know.

It was now 9 a.m.

Did I really just spend 2 hours getting ready?


Me: Hey I'm heading out today. I won't be back until at least 7.

Andrei: Ok sweetheart, text me if anything happens ok?

Me: Sure :)

I grabbed my purse and put in everything I needed. Gun, Phone, Airpods, Money, Drivers license and then I grabbed my cars keys and headed to the garage.

Thankfully I didn't run into any of my brothers.

I started my car and drove of to Damien's and Jay's place.

It didn't take long until I reached their mansion. The guard let me in and I parked my car, taking a deep breath. I don't know why but there was this weird feeling in my gut.

Both of the guys already waited for me by the front door and grinned like clowns.

"Hey baby" they both greeted me at the same time.

Their smile dropped when they saw the look on my face and it didn't take 3 seconds until I was in their embrace.

Nothing is better than to be in their arms. Just by their touch I feel like I am on top of the world, like nothing could ever hurt me. I just feel loved.


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