Chapter 5: Cocabana

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I woke up to snoring and blonde hair in my face. I sat up and saw Tiffany in my bed taking up half the bed.

"Tiffany.." I whispered and tapped her shoulder "Tif-fa-nyy!" I said stretching out the words, her eyes opened slowly her chocolete brown eyes now look brighter with the sun hitting it. "Yeh?" She whispered "what the fuck are you doing in my bed?" She groaned and sat up "there was a thunderstorm last night.. So I crept in here" we both laughed "really?" She nodded her head "yes.. I'm surprised you didn't wake up, it was so loud it was like the earth was cracking in half"

My eyes widened but then I realized Tiffany exaggerates everything. "You want to go to the club tonight?"


"Today's Saturday.. We don't have work tommorow" I nodded my head "sure why not.. Its been so long"

Tiffany bounced up and down "yay.. Now I'm going back to sleep I was up all night texting Aaron"


"Calm down Megan, he's pretty cool when you get to know him"

"Tiffany you don't know him! He could be a fucking murderer or something" she yawned "he could murder this vagina if he wanted to.. Omg those ab pics" she layed back down. "Tiffany just because his body looks hot.. Doesn't mean he's a good person...he's still a stranger"

She ignores me, the truth hurts I know.. I took the phone and scrolled through their conversation.

Tiffany asked how old he was he said twenty six, she asked if he lived in New york he said yes.. They flirted a little, joked about the rats and she talked about the mouse problem we're having in our apartment... They texted about the thunderstorm..he told Tiffany to charge the phone.

I looked at the percentage it was at one hundred percent I rolled my eyes.. The conversation finally died down and when he said he was going to sleep Tiffany replied.. K me 2.


The rest of the day was pretty boring... I was looking forward to going to the club tonight.

As the sun was starting to set me and Tiffany got dressed, the door bell rung
"Can you get the door its Damien" Tiffany yelled from her room, I walked over to the door and opened it "damn you look good doc" I smiled "thanks Damien" I closed the door behind him and I ran into my room.

The phone vibrated but I ignored it. I looked at myself in the mirror, my tight black dress looks so good with my red strappy heels and red clutch.

I ran my finger through my wavy hair and went back into the living room, Damien was on his phone and Tiffany was putting on her heels. I sat down next to Damien and he quickly put his phone in his pocket "are you okay?" I asked and nodded his head "yeh"

"Ok.. The cab just called me its outside" Tiffany said and we left the apartment building. We got into the cab and it drove us all the way to cocabana.

"Omg its been so long" I said to Tiffany and she nodded her head "we need this.. We work so hard" I agreed with her and we walked into the club.

"Let's get shots first" I said and they followed, I bought the first round of shots and the second round.. Tiffany and Damien left me at the bar to go dance. I got a drink and started dancing a little.

"You came here alone?"

I turned my head to the side, it was a handsome man who was smiling with the cutest dimples

I shook my head "who comes to the club alone?" He chuckled "me"


"Its easier to find beautiful women when I'm not distracted" I rolled my eyes "how much times did you use that line?" I asked putting my drink down "today?.. Probably three times" I chuckled "at least your honest"

"They call me Mr. Honesty" I smirked "so corny.. What's your name?" I asked taking another sip of my drink. "My name is Eli"


"Yeh.. What's wrong with that?"

"Its weird, I never met an Eli" we both laughed "what's your name beautiful?"

"Megan but I'm pretty sure you met a Megan before" he thought about it "actually no.. Your my first Megan"

"Omg we're meant for each other" we both started to laugh "do you want to dance?" He asked and I nodded my head "yes"

We danced the whole night away, its been so long.. I haven't danced in the club since I graduated from college.

"Your having fun?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded my head "yes.. Are you?" He kissed my neck "yes.. We should go somewhere"

My eyes widened but I played it cool "where?" He chuckled "your place?" I grabbed his hand and we walked out of the club.

"We could walk.. My place is a few blocks" he didn't mind at all we walked five blocks but my feet started to hurt so he put me on his back.. "Turn here" I said pointing to the street on the corner, he nodded his head "ok"

I got off of his back and we walked the last two blocks... I stood outside of my apartment building "can I trust you?" I asked and he sighed "I'm a stranger and so are you.. I promise I won't do anything to you" he looked genuine about his feelings, in a weird way I trusted him.

"Ok" we stepped into the elevator and went into my apartment 510. I sat down on the couch and he sat across from me. "You know why I'm here right?

"For sex?" He nodded his head and walked towards me. He picked me up "where's your room?" I pointed to it and he threw me on the bed.

He took his shirt off and went on top of me. I tickled his back and he shivered he didn't kiss me on the lips just the neck leaving hickys.. I rolled my eyes get on with it

I kicked my heels off and pulled my dress over my head. He still wasn't showing my body any attention, I unbuckled his pants and he jolted away

"I'm sorry.. I can't do this" he buckled his pants and I sat up "what?" I can't believe this, he got me in the mood and now he doesn't want to seal the deal

"Me and my girlfriend got into a fight.. I know she wouldn't want this" he put on his shirt and I put my dress back on "its okay, I understand"

"You do?" He asked and I nodded my head "yes I'm a phycalogist.. I respect your decision"

"Thank you, I'm so sorry.. the fight we had was stupid.. I feel bad" we walked out of my room "its okay but next time.. You should tell the girl your problem so she could make a decision"

He chuckled "will do.. Bye first Megan" I smiled "bye first Eli" he left my apartment and I closed the door.


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