18) Play Your Part

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In the weeks that followed, word spread quickly through the castle and kingdom beyond it. Word of the lost princesses of Relan, sisters, spirited away from their kingdom as children and secretly raised among common folk in Espen to spare them a bloody death when their country lost the Great Land wars.

Many believed the story, despite never having heard of them before. It was known that King Ridley Dawmeir of Relan was an incredibly secretive man, paranoid to a fault. It was not hard to accept that he had hidden his two beloved 'daughters' in an effort to protect them. Alexander's father, King Ademar, became the shining hero-supposedly having sent his eldest son on a mission three years prior to recover them. Only to hide them amongst his staff until he knew their safety was guaranteed.

It was Scarlett who explained the last details of the story to both Lucy and Victoria as they sat in front of a roaring fire in Lucy's room, getting their hair done up for the evening's dinner. Every meal felt like a pageant. They had to change into a new dress-one that met the current fashion of the court, of course-and be on their very best behavior.

Two long weeks of 'etiquette lessons' with the imposing Lady Kathrine of Bekum, and Lucy felt like she was already losing what was left of her boggled mind. 'Sit up straight, Princess Luciana. Do not slurp your tea, sip it, Princess Luciana! Where is your corset Princess Luciana? Why have you not memorized every kingdom, district, city, and Noble house in Espen, Princess Luciana?' The hours were tedious and seemingly never ending. Victoria, having been raised privileged, had a sharp advantage, catching on quickly to what Lucy fumbled through. It made her miss scrubbing floors, and long for the time she had gotten to spend in the gardens or collecting kindling in the quiet woods around Granston House. Though life had been hard work, there was not the complexities of court or a specific way to hold her silverware while she nibbled on lettuce and sipped thin soups.

To make matters worse, the queen's watchful gaze felt ever present, scrutinizing her every move. Dissecting every sentence. She had heeded Scarlett's word, taking caution at all times for fear of being overheard by the matriarch's spies. And worse yet, she had only glimpsed Alexander a few times since their arrival back to the palace. At all times, he had been surrounded by officials or soldiers, doing his princely duty. She did not dare interrupt.

"...do you not think so, too, Luce?" Victoria giggled, pulling Lucy from her inner turmoil. Lucy frowned, looking up between her and Scarlett who had been pinning the girl's hair.

"Think what?" She asked.

Both girls erupted in laughter. Scarlett even keeled forward, holding a stitch in her side. Lucy was not sure whether to blush or roll her eyes at their silly teasing.
Victoria managed to catch her breath through her laughter, tears streaking down her freckled cheeks. "Think that Prince Jamie is ever so charming."

"Jamie?" Lucy asked sharply, shooting the girl a stern look.

Victoria stumbled slightly, and had the decency to look embarrassed. Her eyelashes fluttered towards the floor. "I mean Jamieson...he asked that I refer to him as Jamie if I so wished."

Lucy felt her thoughts darken. Though it was a relief to see her once broken friend smile and laugh again, she did not trust the royal family. There had to be an ulterior motive to this facade they put on for the court. She was just yet to discover it. And it bothered her. Kept her up long into the night, mind racing, wondering, testing different scenarios in her head.

"He is...nice," Lucy said very simply. She stood, not looking at either girl, and went to the vanity where she could choose a necklace to go with her evening gown. She settled on a garnet stone which matched her dress—according to Lady Kathrine, red and silver had been the Dawmeir family's House colors.

Beautiful Torment *Book One of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now