41) Journey Beginning

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"Are we not supposed to be moving inconspicuously?" Hunter grumbled from atop his white and brown painted mare behind where Lucy rode a shiny black gelding. She shook her head at his hostile tone, looking up to the sky just in time for Alexander's dragon to soar over them, rustling the canopies on the trees they rode through.

She looked behind her, first to check on the horse tied to hers, the one Xander could ride in his human state. Once she saw the mare was secure, she turned the other way to look at her Familiar. "You can always turn around and go back to the camp, I am sure Sabrina is missing her dear boy already." Although she continued to offer the choice, she would be genuinely sad if the boy finally turned his horse around.

Hunter scoffed, "And leave you alone with him?" Shaking his head vigorously, he answered his own question. "Not a chance in Underland."

Lucy rolled her eyes, vaguely remembering Underland from a bedtime story told by the cook at Granston House. A place where the unfortunate souls went if they were not blessed to move on to Cintera, the realm just below Celestia. She had never been properly schooled in religion as it was not exactly a priority for Madam Caledonia. Tales were all she had to go on.

She shifted back around, "Then quit complaining," she threw back, urging the horses into a faster trot. "Come on, we have a lot of ground to cover before we can even think about making camp." Even as she spoke to him, knowing he had somehow been chosen as her Familiar, she was surprised how easy conversation flowed between them. Or in most cases, snaps at him for being the smug little twit he was. Still, when she looked over her shoulder he was smiling wide and urging his own gelding on.

Their horses tore over the land, taking care with the gnarled roots that sprung across the path every now and again. Naria, being the country furthest south of Espen, their borders separated by a sprawling mountain range, meant a long ride. And they were already two days in. Alexander mentioned the various kingdoms they had pass on the way. Some would have to be discreetly done—under cover of night and cloak. These were the kingdoms he feared allied with his wicked step mother and thus would see them arrested or ransomed back to their enemies in Streatham. 

Others, however, they had be stopping in, both tavern and grand castle alike, to rally soldiers and speak diplomatically with the lords there. The art of politics was beyond Lucy, but Alexander, being a former prince, was more than well versed in such matters. In these meetings, Lucy planned determinedly to keep her head down. Though Alexander seemed to have other ideas.

It was not until almost nightfall when they reached the outskirts of Cherrié, a province that stretched further than the eye could see with fruit orchards, that Alexander finally swooped down, landing gracefully next to the horses that shied away from his imposing dragon form. With a great snap and the beautiful glowing light, he was her King once again. Lucy watched as his golden aura slowly faded. Her eyes took in every inch of strong lean muscle, the cut shoulders, his sharp jaw, lethe torso...and lower. Here, she found herself blushing wildly much to Hunter's irritation.

"I swear you two are worse than stags in mating season," he grumbled, dismounting. Without another word or glance at her, he began camp preparations, which largely involved gathering kindling for a fire and finding a freshwater source to fill their skins and the pot Lucy had taken to cooking stews in.

Near where Alexander had landed sat a small pile of fat dead hares. "Been hunting? I thought we were tiring of the taste of rabbit, or was that just said to spite poor Hunter's efforts?" Lucy asked, amused, before tossing him a set of clothes she reluctantly watched him put on. That want inside her...that need...it was always strongest right after he came out of his dragon form.

Alexander smirked. He hooked her around the waist with a solid arm and pulled her in close so that he could plant a deep kiss on her soft lips. A kiss that left her gasping and wriggling against his still searingly warm body. His touch drove her mad. "We are running low on dried meat. Figured you would be craving something fresh. And we both know it is amusing to rile him."

Beautiful Torment *Book One of the Beautiful series*Where stories live. Discover now