Chapter 1: Bide your time inside this spite

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TW!!!!! blood, wounds

Who are healers? Have you ever wondered why healers are so important to humanity and why, to everyone's surprise, there are so few of them? There are a couple or three reasons that people put forward as theories.

The first is that it is likely that their birth rate is low, because the ability itself is rare and does not have the ability to manifest more often than other abilities.

Second, there is the possibility that the genome from which the ability comes is weak when mixed with another genome of an ability, so it is lost when blood is mixed.

But no one realises that the real reason is not the rarity of birth, but something else.


It is people's own fault that there are as few healers as they think there are. But in fact, there are many healers in the world, enough to say that this ability is not the rarest among humanity. It is simply cleverly concealed by its possessors, who fear for their lives. Afraid of becoming a productive object that can be used anytime, by anyone, for anything...

They are afraid that they will die of overwork or loss of vitality and energy that they spend on healing. And it's not just healers - everyone with abilities is afraid of being used as a mass weapon. So for anyone with abilities, especially healing abilities, the Tower of Heroes is their worst nightmare.

There are many rumours about it, enough to say that the morality hole can still be punched. One of them is that they are taken there from infancy and trained, but not by simple sparring in the gym or sitting through books.

Everyone comes out of there brainwashed. And no one knows about this to stop these activities of people, if they can be called that. Children suffer from their helplessness, bound hand and foot by this activity and can do nothing about it - they just accept their lot and burn their lives out to protect the government from disgruntled people that are not afraid to show their temper to them.

Speaking of people undesirable to the government - they exist, and there are quite a few of them. It's just that someone sits on the sofa and criticises their actions because of their inability to somehow stand up to the people at the head of Manburg. And there are those like the "villains" - here they show themselves in all their glory, unafraid of consequences and with great potential. They always go over their heads - just to achieve their goal of removing the bloody dictators from their summit.

But, going back to the beginning, such dictators have heroes to protect them from any threat. Moving on to this theme, we are introduced to one such - Lady Death.

A renowned hero, with a long history in the field, who has great authority among all - ordinary citizens, heroes and villains alike. All of Manburg loves her, and thanks her for protecting those unable to save themselves from both villains and criminals of all kinds.

Everyone knows her as a strong hero with strong powers, which she uses rather rarely - in extreme cases, as they are dangerous to both villains and people, mostly armed with any other weapon. But no one is suspicious of her personal life, where she is a simple mother of two who tries to keep her hands up from the fatigue and weight of her burden.

More specifically, Lady Death is Kristin Rosales, a middle-aged woman who struggles to keep up with how much she is tired of her job as a hero. It's a dangerous, bloody job, after every battle she nearly dies from the wounds she receives when confronted by villains.

Syndicate are the biggest headache for the Tower of Heroes and Manburg in general. The government dislikes them even more, for they are breeding grounds for chaos and destruction. Although their goal is clear to those above the society - they want anarchy. And only through destruction and sacrifice will they achieve this, they don't care what to destroy or who to kill - they're willing to do anything, and who knows what they'll create on their next outing. Their creator, the Angel of Death Azrael, is always one step ahead thanks to his companions, and they always leave with what they came out with on their "patrol". And the heroes, frankly, don't do well with them.

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