Dreams and ARM

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The first thing I did after entering the shelter was to cut my hair. I looked like a guy with boobs as my little brother would tease. But I have my reasons. Xed loved my hair long. So I cut it short, too short in fact that they'd sometimes mistake me as a guy. Besides caring for my hair is hard with my fracture.

I had few operations on my fracture. I had metal immobilizers sticking out on it for four months. Then I have to undergo scientific experiments on cell growth enhancers done by Queencie. But it never really returned to its perfect state like before. My hand would look perfect but I couldn't force it to do anything extreme like the way I've done on my pre-fracture time. I'd practice martial arts but I couldn't really enjoy it like before.

After about nine months, Queencie made me join another one of her experimental project called A.R.M. or Artificial Robotic Muscles. She made me wear a bionic arm that can communicate with me and can be easily be part of my body. It doesn't weigh a thing plus it made me able to handle big guns she designed for our war freak tanks. (War freak tanks are like this huge one man operated human like machines that carry guns and missile, they are used for out of shelter combat with chimeras and their masters.)

Mine is the only one with AI on it. It constantly communicates with me of how it can help me with things like pushups, moving thing and how I can be training for missions. I called the AI Betsy, because the voice is a girl. I don't know why Queencie made it for me; maybe she wanted me to be part of the military now. More and more were dying every time Vampires would try to attack the shelter.

So, after a year of healing or trying to heal, I decided to train for the military. I was just trying my luck, if I still had it. Anyway after a week of constant training, running and climbing walls, my body hurt like hell. I didn't quit though. So I was sent for three month training, for formality's sake, though I didn't got to finish it because I was pulled out by the Shelter General to help with one of the little battles taking place at the north gate. In my first year at the shelter, I got my old rank as Major back but this time it's on the military, I'm not just a reservist now.

My mom would always pray every time there's a phone call for me to go somewhere, because she knows her little girl is going to war. And she'd scold me every time I'd arrive home with bruises and cuts. She's working as a volunteer in the orphanage with Al now. But she never leaves me and Jim alone. Jim became Queencie's side kick after passing his entrance exam at the shelter's University. He's taking Nanotechnology, which Queencie is teaching. And now he is her personal slave. He is now even taller than me, damn puberty!

Well, since the government is a wreck the shelter kind of made its own rules. Since most criminals would be fed to the vamps outside the shelter, most don't really do something stupid. Everyone works and got fed. And there's no corruption that's a plus. Everyone is helping out in their own ways. Those who are good at agriculture works at the farms depending in their specialty. Teachers teach and we soldiers do the heroics.

Chealsea is now a Major at air force. Mushka and Noelle are now shelter famous kick ass spies. Their team infiltrated one vampire colony east of the shelter and successfully killed most of their leaders. It turned out that vampires love having human slaves for blood and sex. And some slaves are loyal to their masters because their bite is addictive. Thank god I was never bitten.

Xed never showed himself on the public's eyes, though vampires never really got good faces on the camera even more in their own mirror reflection. I don't know what's the science behind them having beautiful faces and not having a good reflection. That's the only myth that turned out to be true I guess. Back to Xed, he never shows himself in public, but during their world wide telecasts he'd always be mentioned as their High Emperor. How I know about this? Well, after every little battle I go to, I'd always fall into hibernation. And he'd visit me. Maybe I'd be too weak to even resist his mind rape. But he'd always insist that he isn't mind raping me. He'd say that I'm just dreaming. Our first meeting was after I got pulled out from my training. Most dreams would always be forgotten in the long run but I would never really forget our meeting. I'd always remember our conversation as if we saw each other personally. I don't know why but he'd always wake me in our meetings. And He would appear human at first. Just like what he's doing now.

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