Sassiness kills

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I needed not to panic when I'm in front of Xed. I felt safe whenever I see him even if my men are being butchered for blood and meat all around me. Milo remained hiding behind me. "You ordered this?" I motioned all around. "Very nice Xed! Gave me all the reason to kill you without hesitation." I shout at him considering he'll be hearing even the faintest whispers.

He just grinned showing his fangs and playfulness danced into his translucent hypnotic blue eyes. "I told you, when I come and get you it'll be grand. Look around? Ain't it grand?" he turned as he said those words. He is so sadistically gorgeous and any girl will faint with his swag. But I am not any girl. I've been preparing for this day for two years. I'm no damsel that can easily be taken helplessly without any fight whatsoever. I'd rather be dead than be with him.

"Boss, you know him?" Milo asked trembling like a little scared cat. Milo can be a sissy but Fran needs him. He was holding the tracking device connected to Chelsea. If he dies, the battle feild will be just another mess to clean up.

"Your subordinate is asking you a Question, Love. Won't you answer him? He deserves the truth at least before he dies." Xed let out a hearty laugh. It was as if he is having blood lust because of the chaos happening all around him. He then bow down dramatically towards us, "Xedjedy Samuel, the High Emperor to the dark earth." he said slowly standing up gracefully. "The most beloved man of your Lieutenant." he looked at me with a smile as if trying to look like his old self...the old Xed, the one I grew up with...The one I loved the most that I almost shot the world out when he died.

I looked at Milo behind me, "If we survive this, I will personally hunt you down and kill you if you tell anyone about what he just said. Got that?" Maybe it was because of my black-look that he looked a lot more scared than meeting Xed. He just nodded at me without any question looking like a panicked lamb. I smirked. The secret of Xed, my ex-boyfriend, is safe for sure. And i was ready to face Xed once again. "I loved you...Loved Xed...when you where still human."

I could see the sadness in his eyes. Perhaps both of us are hurting because we can't be together. We've chosen different roads. Him being the mastermind of this slaughter and me caught in the middle of it. "Perhaps when I turned you, you'll say otherwise." He smiled sardonically like he don't have that humanity anymore, and with his words all hell broke loose. "Kill everyone and let her watch. If you lay a finger on her, you're good as dead." He said and all bats and their pets attacked us like the plague.

"Chealsea!!!!" I roared at the communicator. "We are dying here! Literally!" I was pulling Milo out of the way of bats attacking while shooting and slashing those who dare come close to us. "Milo Shoot some, I ain't your mother for Pete's sake!" Milo was shaking and scared holding his gun like a newbie. "Shit." It's when I realized that he's being mind raped. He was standing but looking afar with the grim expression plastered on his face.

"Don't worry, unlike my men, I perfected mind fuse. So he'll be fine with me." Xed commented distracting me for one second before a knife hit Milo straight on his chest. He didn't react with any normal human response, Milo just knelt down like accepting his death. Even to that point, Xed didn't let him go.

"Milo." I whipered shooting the bat who threw the knife at us it was so fast that it even dudge the bullet. He was leaning on my thigh as I continously battle those trying to come closer to us. "Milo!" He was breathing deeply probably his last, and I found my self in tears. My men are all trying to fight for their lives, and Milo is dying. Can I suffer more of this misfortune? Milo convulsed after a few minutes, signaling his death. I heard Chealsea on the communicator that she locked on our locations. "Turn on your life lines. Pull back!" I instructed my men who complied automatically. I saw jets flying and blasting on bats that'll attack us, as evacuation jet buses locked at my men's life line and pulled them to safety. I made Milo lie down on the ground. "Thanks for holding on for us, Buddy." I said closing his eyes. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Milo was a good man. It angers me that Xed could be this heartless. And that anger became my fuel as I stood up looking at him. "Now the real fight will start. I don't care anymore. I'll kill you. and die trying!" I said full of hate. "I will not let you kill anyone anymore."

"You can try my Love." He said grinning at me then he vanished because of his speed appearing behind me with just a blink of an eye. I couldn't react as fast but Betsy did. She made my arm jolt fast enough to elbow Xed's chin with no normal human strength. He staggered backwards a few steps giving me a chance to deliver a round house kick and a bullet straight to the heart. I was pretty amazed of the out come but then he looked at me eyes translucent blood colored. He attacked once again this time able to take hold of my neck lifting me to my toes just to breath. He wouldn't let go, no matter how many bullets I burry on his chest. "I told you..." he slurred, "you can try." he was as fast as lightning, as he bit me on my shoulder the one with betsy. I howled with pain as something burned inside my tissues as he sucked slowly and licking my wounds. I punched his head with my other arm but he was unmovable.

I couldn't die like this. I would never allow it! With my last chance of being free, I pulled the trigger on pointing on Xed's head. As expected he would protect this most valuable part, his brain. He threw me away like a rug doll. With a hard thump, I felt my back collide to the ground, I'll expect that to hurt in the morning. He was acting like an animal in the middle of a hunt and I am his prey. I could sense his hunger and it rattled me. He licked his lips and swallowed what remained of my blood in his mouth. Then he smiled that sardonic expression of his showing blood stained fangs. I scrambled to my feet even if my body was way against it. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Chealsea!!!!!!" I screamed running away, it was the only thing I could do. I has holding my bitten shoulder trying to stop the bleeding. From all the fights I survived, it was the first time that I was truly afraid. I was facing the most highly ranked of the hostile to pete's sake. So I was running like a damped kitty. "Chealsea, take my men and get the hell outta here." I shouted panting as I ran. "I'm bitten."

"We got your men. Activate your life line so we can grab you!" She croaked at our communicator. "I'll kill you, if you get infected. And I myself will make sure you get burned." For two years our mentality changed. The five of us swore to personally hunt and kill anyone infected by the virus. Now being bitten I know they will make sure to kill me at first sign of infection. I did as she instructed. I turned on my life line and immediately felt the magnetic pull that'll take me to safety. As the evac jet bus passed me by my feet was pulled up the ground that I was running on and into the collecting capsule of the jet. "Code black, Lieutenant Franchette. She's high risk. First dose of antidote and wide spec antibiotics." I heard Chealse barked orders to her men. "Containment protocol activated to all rescued soldiers." She then paused, cutting her connection to the others and opening only ours, "I'm sorry Fran." she sobbed on the line finally letting her emotions go. "I couldn't save you in time."

I smiled as tears slowly fell from my eyes. Realization finally became clear, I am bitten...I'm good as dead.


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