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So most of the story will be told in Stiles point of view but if not I will tell you otherwise. And here you will meet all the characters in the story. And you will meet Stile's love stalker Matt and how much he want Stiles. And also I'm bringing in Theo from season 5 cause he is really hot. So the new name for this power couple will be Stileo. Enjoy and I'm uploading only the first couple chapters then I want all you guys to vote and comment what you think, love, and what can possibly change to make the story more thrilling. I take each vote very serious and I respond and try answer to most comments daily. Please also bare with me this is my first book so it's not going to be very good. I'm hoping by the time this book ends you guys and gals make me a better writer. Thank you all my Free Birdies

Stiles POV

I have always knew that I was different. But sometimes you just know and it feels right like nothing exists. So yeah a lot of people don't know my sexuality but I don't care what they think or feel. I know who I am and if I like guys then I like guys. I was so deep in thought that I didn't see Scott looking at me and waving his hand in my face.

"What do you want Scott?" I asked.

"I asked you a question, Stiles," mumbled Scott.

"Sorry I was thinking," I exclaim

Scott rolled his eyes and went back paying attention to Mrs. Brock( A/N I'm going to makeup teachers names). At the end of class when Mrs. Brock gave us our homework she said that we could work together with partners. Me and Scott instantly paired up.

"So do you want to hang after school with the pack?" Asked Scott

"Yeah but I have to drop my Dad's supper off at the station. So I'll meet you at my house."

"Ok, so what's on today's menu?" teased Scott

"Its a Caesar salad and a fruit bowl."

" I think Mr. Stilinski might like it since it has meat in it. But on a totally different note did you see the new kid?"

"What! We got a new kid. What's his or her name?" I asked

"His name is Theo and not much else is known. But the girls are already fawning over him."

"Oh great another Jackson." As I rolled my eyes.

"Awe come on man. Jackson isn't that bad besides maybe he can be our new friend." Scott states.

"Honestly who wants to be friends with me besides being friends with you I bring nothing to the table."
"That's not true please don't put yourself down like that. Your the most loyal, trustworthy, smartest, goofiest, and sexiest person I known." Exclaimed Scott

"Scott it doesn't work like that no one wants a skinny, defenseless, human, ADHD, can't stop talking, spaz, and was once a evil fox spirit for a friend," I whispered hoping to convinced him

Before Scott could rebuttal the bell rang. I got up quickly and ran to my locker. I put my books away and slammed my locker shut and ran to my Jeep.

On my way to my Jeep I ran into someone. Hard and fell on top of them.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking," I apologized.

The way I landed on the person, it was very awkward. I was on top with my lower part in between their legs and my face an inch from theirs. Omg their teeth are pearly white. Their breathe smells intoxicating like the sweetest tasting candy.

"No that's fine I should have......" the sweetest voice I ever heard.

When he looked at me he just stopped talking and his eyes grew huge and blush started forming on his perfect cheeks.

"You were saying"

"Oh ummm, I was going to say that I should have been watching" Mr. Perfect was blushing even more.

As I was getting up, he was trying to brush off the mud stain on his jacket. But failed miserably so I decided to help him out. I was brushing off the mud when I realized I went down to far and it got awkward fast.

He was blushing hardcore. Which of course made him look more perfect.

"My name is Stiles" I say as I extend my hand.

"Huh.... oh my name is Theo" as Theo took my hand. It was soft and warm.

"Oh so your the hot new kid that everyone is talking about."

"Oh I mean everyone calls you hot...... I just repeated what they said..... I mean your hot..... ok now I'm going to shut up..." Now I'm the one blushing.

"No that's fine I just didn't expect everyone make a big deal about it. Hahahahahahaha." Omg even his laugh was perfect.

"Well..... um... I have to go now. But it was nice meeting you Theo."

"No the pleasure was all mine. Hope we can be friends and hang out. Or what not. See you later Stiles and have a good rest of your day."

As we went our separate ways I couldn't stop smiling. I meet a perfect person and he wants to be my friend. I hope we can be more than friends.

Omg what am I thinking he'll probably won't ever go for me. He'll probably go for someone like Matt. Our other Beacon Hill's openly gay student. Danny being the first but is dating Ethan.


Matt POV

As I examine the what just happen behind my lens I took a couple of photos of stiles cause he looked perfect

But my blood is boiling like who dares touch my Stiles. No one touches my Stiles. He is mine and he is about to find out the consequences for cheating on me. But first I must teach this new kid Theo a lesson on touching and talking to my Stiles.

Stiles look so perfect today. I wish I could of hugged him, took him to class, kiss him and held his hand, tell him I love him and he's perfect, then he'll tell me that he loves me. We'll be the perfect couple. Tomorrow I will make him mine for sure.

That Theo won't have my Stiles even if its that last thing I do.

Stiles POV

I quickly ran to the grocery store to pick up Dad's supper. And then I drove straight to the station.

I pulled into the station's parking lot and parked right next to my Dad's patrol car.

I got out of the jeep and grabbed the supper. I'm trying to hurry up I'm going to be late to hang with the pack.

And of course Mr Hottie Sheriff's Deputy Parrish looking perfect as always in his uniform is working at the front desk.

Ever since he started working here I had a major crush on him. But he's probably straight and there goes my chances.

"Hey Stiles, how's it going today" he says with his million dollar smile.

"It's good Deputy Parrish. Just stopping by to bring Dad's supper." I instantly started blushing

"He is in a meeting right now but if you leave it here I'll make sure he eats all of it with a smile. And I thought I told you, you can call me Jordan."

"Ok I will cause I'm hanging with some friends tonight at my house. Thanks Jordan for everything. See you later."

"See you later Stiles and don't have too much fun," he winked and smiled at me before I left.

Omg he makes my heart melt. As I ran to my Jeep I couldn't stop thinking about Theo. As I'm racing home to have fun with the pack.

Someone was about to make Stiles' life a whole lot more complicated.

A/N: OMG my very first chapter is done. Took forever. It's about 1342words. I'm excited to see what you guys think about it.

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