Chapter Eight- The Meeting

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Three weeks later...

"Is it really that bad that I have to stay home?"

Avery and I are sitting by the main lake in our area. We wanted to go out and do something together since we have been busy cleaning up after the storm.

We've been spending a lot of time together since the party and he has helped out with some of the fieldwork. I am surprised he offered to help since this isn't his background. My dad probably mentioned something to him when they met when he brought me home.

He didn't introduce himself as my boyfriend to my parents. I felt bad about it, but he told me he didn't want to overwhelm them. It made no difference to me if he told them or not, I thought it would be nice for them to know.

"No, I just think it is not needed." He yanks his hand away from mine, "why wouldn't you want me here?"

It was brought to my attention by Maddie that Her brother and Avery would be staying for the rest of the semester. She said it was for an internship position, but I highly doubt that.

The James always has an alternate goal for everything, trouble always finds them and we have to pick up the slack. Speaking of Slack, we had just gotten done cleaning up the rest of the rocks that were shattered during the aftershock.

"I want you here," I look at him. "It is just that it is a little fishy that both of you are staying here."

He looks at me like I am crazy, "do you have a thing for him?"

"What?" I am shocked he would say something like that, he knows how much I despise Coden.

The sun's rays beam down on our bodies sitting under the water. I feel a need to dip my feet in, walking over to the edge.

"You seem to not want me here when Coden comes into the picture." Avery walks up behind me, "you seem to be tense around him."

I scoff, "I am tense because I hate him and want nothing to do with him."

He grabs my arm above my elbow, "not when you ran out into the acid rain to what? Be trapped with him?"

His voice stands on edge, "you are mine, not his, Noah."

"I know," I grunt out.

Avery lets go of my arm and takes his shoes off. Stepping into the water, he turns around to face me.

The acid rain should have evaporated from all the bodies of water by now, but we are supposed to wait an entire month before we fully submerged ourselves in any water that has not been recycled yet.

My dad and I went out to the water recycling plant last week to get water for the family and we also made a report for the groups to decide what they want to do. We are supposed to present them tonight at the meeting.

"What does your dad think about you going to that party a few weeks ago?"

I follow suit and take my shoes off to step into the water, "he didn't say anything to me about it."

He holds me close to him when I get into the water, the water sits at the back of my knees. The silent waves crash lightly against the shore while we look out to the water.

"Your brother Zach, what does he think?"

His grip tightens around my waist when I try to pull away to look at him. He seems to be on edge this entire time we have been here. His questions are starting to worry me.

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