AWD || T W O

129 2 0


I loved my car, I've wanted for so long to have a BMW, and now that I have one, I couldn't be more happy.
I was currently waiting for the green light to come on so I could continue driving.
60 seconds later, the green light comes on and I step on the gas pedal.

In a span of ten seconds, I'm being hit by another car coming from my right which sends my car flying. Black dots begin to cloud my sight, and I can only think of how the hell I was going to fix my car.


I wake up in a hospital room with a killer headache. I look to my right to see a nurse checking a monitor. She seems to hear me groan, and she turns towards me. Upon seeing me awake, she rushes out of the room.

Two minutes later, a doctor walks in and hands me a glass of water.
I gulp it down before, she speaks up.

" Miss Smith. Ava Smith, am I right?"  I nod.

" You seem to have lost consciousness. I've prescribed some nutritional supplements for you to take, and you need to eat properly, so it doesn't happen again"

" I don't understand what you mean, doc. I was in a bad car accident. How am I still alive even?"

" You're probably just nervous, Ava. You weren't in a car accident. You fainted"

" No no, you don't understand! I was in MY car, on my way to the mall, when this car slams into me"
I was starting to panic and the machine beside me was starting to beep.

"I'm going to need you to calm down, Ava. Take deep breaths"

I try to focus on my breathing and I calm down.

" How did I end up here?"

"From what I have here, you called 911 asking for medical assistance, you were able to give your address and name before you lost consciousness"

What the hell is going on right now?!

" When can I leave?" I ask as calmly as possible

"You're free to go now Ava" She smiles before walking out.

Leaving the hospital in a cab, I arrive home to see my car parked in front of my house.

Don't worry Ava, this is just a bad dream. When you wake up, it will be all over. I hope.

I leave the mall with a lot of bags. I had just finished my shopping spree and I was on my way home.
I had two more things to do before I retire today.
I had to sign up for the gym I saw two blocks down, and I want to see if I could work at the cafe/ restaurant that has an opening for a waitress.
I was earning more than enough money from my affiliate marketing, but it would be nice to have a job if you know what I mean.

I quickly offload my car and change my outfit before getting back in

I drive to the restaurant, it was close to the gym but not too close

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I drive to the restaurant, it was close to the gym but not too close.
Parking outside, I notice it's the fancy kind of restaurant.
I walk up to the front desk and inquire about the job and I'm led to the manager's office.

It takes me ten minutes to get the job as a waitress in the cafe. I'm starting tomorrow and I'm so excited. The manager shows me around and hands me my employee tag. I thank the nice man before driving off to the gym with excitement.
Now would be a good time to ease off some stress.
I park outside the gymnasium, removing my gym nag from the trunk I walk in.
Going up to the front desk, I sign up for a gym membership and find my way to the locker room.
I change into my gym wear and walk out.

I walk towards the treadmill, placing my AirPods in my ear, and I climb on

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I walk towards the treadmill, placing my AirPods in my ear, and I climb on.

Ten minutes in, I see someone climb onto the treadmill beside me in my peripheral vision and I look to see the most handsome guy, I had ever laid my eyes on.
This guy looked like he stepped out of a Wattpad book. He turns his gaze towards me and before you know it is falling off the treadmill.

Tremendous way to embarrass your self Ava

I groan and try to stand up when he stretches his hand toward me. I take it and he pulls me up.
I stand close to him, and my face is at the same level as his chest. I crane my head up to look at him before saying,
" Um, thank you"

" Yeah, be careful next time"
I felt shivers throughout my whole body as those words come out of his mouth. His voice was deep and sultry.

" I'm Ava by the way"

" Cole"

" You don't talk much do you?" I ask

I see his gaze flicker to something behind me before coming back to me.
I look behind me to see two guys staring and smirking at us.

" Oh, I get it. It was probably a dare from your friends"
I seem to have grabbed his attention by this and then he looks back at me. He looks like he was fighting an internal battle before he finally sighs and speaks harshly
" Look just be careful next time alright" and then he walks away.

Rude... Not even a smile!!

I finish off before leaving.

I sit at my desk and open my laptop. Opening up Wattpad, I continue on one of the books I've been reading.
I was so immersed in the book I was reading, that when I heard the doorbell ring I was startled.
I go downstairs to get the door.
Opening it up, I see a nice-looking guy smiling at me.
" Hey, I'm Jamal"

" Hey Jamal, nice to meet you. I'm Ava, I just moved in"

" Yeah, that's why I'm here. To officially welcome you, and offer my services of being your tour guide in case you need help getting around the city. I live next door" he says pointing to the house on my right.

" Aw, that's so sweet. Thanks, Jamal"

"You're welcome. Have a good night"

" Thanks, you too"

Thanks for reading💕
Word count:1,048

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