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Two days! Two fucking days later, I see the magazines flooded with Cole's face. And guess what he wasn't alone. There was a woman.
Who am I kidding
This is obviously a Wattpad storyline
So this is what I get for reading and dreaming about Wattpad romance.
Guess I started living the dream

I think it would be best to stop whatever was going on between Cole and I. I came here to live a normal and simple life, not to have some random ex-girlfriend threaten my life.

I sigh as I hand the paper to Catherine.
" What's this Ave"
When I don't speak, she carefully unfolds the paper reading through it.
" Why?"

Lie Ava! Lie!

" Um, I have this client I'm going to be working with for the next three months and I really want to focus"
She sighs running he hand down her face before looking at me sadly.
" I know that's not true but, it's fine. Just call me if you need anything. We're still friends "
" Sure Cathy"
I'm seated in front of the television watching Wednesday and munching on a bucket of chicken wings when my phone starts vibrating violently on the coffee table.
I check the caller ID to see Cole's name

'King' calling...
I put my phone on silent mode and let the call go to voicemail.

I don't know how long I was seated in front of my TV but when I check the time, I realise its very late. 12:08.

I switch off the TV and get up. Switching off all the lights downstairs, I make my way upstairs but just as my foot lands on the first step, I'm startled by a loud banging on my front door.

Quickly I walk to the kitchen and grab a bread knife and slowly walk towards the door. It's quiet for a while before the person starts to bang on the door again.
"Ava!" the voice calls out.
I open the door and I'm met with a frantic looking Cole.
"What the hell Ava! I left you 15 missed calls. Why weren't you answering?" he asks running his hand through his already dishevelled hair.
"So what if I don't pick your calls?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.
"What do you mean love?"
"I don't feel obligated to pick up your calls, Cole. That's why I didn't pick up" I deadpan.
He huffs before looking at me suspiciously before speaking.

"Is it about the pictures Ava?"

"Why the fuck would I care about some stupid pictures Cole. It's your life, you can live it the way you want to. You were just looking for someone to warm your bed for some time, and I suited that position perfectly, but whatever we had going on ends now." I state with clarity.

"What the hell is wrong with you Ava? First you hand in your resignation letter and now you're acting some type of way?! I don't get why you would say that about yourself I-"

"If I wasn't just warming your bed, then what was I doing Cole? What am I to you? Your girlfriend? Enough with the lame excuses Cole"

"Ava you know you're special. You-"

I scoff, "special?"

"I really thought we had something, Cole. But right now I just don't want to see your face. I need some time to myself and I also need to sleep, so if you would please find your way out of my house"
And for the first time tonight, I look into his bloodshot eyes. He clenches his jaw before walking out of my apartment and hopefully my life.
*A month later*
I've been waiting for 30 minutes and I still haven't heard my name. I keep bouncing my leg, it's getting hard to handle all the nerves. I quickly walk up to the front desk.
"Excuse me, sorry. I've been waiting for an appointment that was scheduled for 30 minutes ago. What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry ma'am. The doctor is still seeing a patient, but he'll be through soon" the nurse answers me.

I nod and make my way towards the restrooms, and as I'm turning around a corner, I bump into a hard chest. I look up to see a face I wouldn't have expected to see at least for some time.


"Cole" I breathe out.

He looks breathtakingly handsome.

"What are you doing here?"

"I-I-I'm here for a friend" I answer.

"At the maternity ward?" he asks perplexed.

"y-yeah," I say rubbing my sweaty palms.

"Ava Smith?" I hear the nurse calling my name.

Oh shit!

Cole looks at me questionably and suspiciously too.

I shrug, "Another Ava Smith I guess" I laugh awkwardly.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the nurse who was calling me with a smile on her face.

"The doctor will see you now ma'am" she smiles again before walking away.

"You're pregnant." It wasn't a question.
I remember when I found out like it was yesterday.

I wake up in a hospital room, with no collection of how I landed her. I look to my right to see a glass of water on the table. Gulping it down, I try to stand of from the bed just as a doctor walks in.
"Ms. Smith! You're awake I see"
"How do you feel?"
"Tired. What happened to me?"
"Well you were brought in here from the gym. You seem to have fainted while working out. You're stress levels were high and I guess the baby as well as your body couldn't just take it anymore. So it shut down. For a while" he says adding a smile.
I nod. Wait! Did he just say baby??
"I'm sorry, did you say the baby?'
"Yes I did. You weren't aware you were pregnant?"
I shake my head no
"Well, congratulations Ms. Smith you're pregnant.  I'm going to prescribe some drugs to help with the stress and some nutritional supplements. He smiles before walking out of the room.
The dickhead forgot to wrap it.

I nod slowly before I look up at Cole to see him running his palm down his face.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I open my mouth to speak but no words come out.
He sighs before taking my hand in his.
"Come on lets go"

We enter the room together.
"Good day Ms. Smith. I'm Dr.Alicia I will be aiding you through your pregnancy. Take a seat please. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

I take a seat and she applies a cold gel substance to my stomach.
She does the usual procedures and I see my baby come up on the screen. I look at Cole to see him looking intently at the screen.

"Would you like a picture?" she asks
"Yes please"

She later on hands me two ultrasound pictures. I give one to Cole who I notice has been quiet throughout the whole procedure.

When were out of the hospital, we stop at my car and I take in a deep breath.
"You don't have to help me with the baby if you don't want to"

I'm cut off by Cole smashing his lips onto mine, kissing me with some much passion and longing. I kiss him back almost immediately missing his soft delicate lips. He pulls away after a while and we catch our breaths. Resting his forehead on mine he looks into my eyes with an emotion I can't decipher.

"I missed you, love"

Thanks for reading.💕
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Word count: 1,332

Sneak peek: Next chapter is going to be in Cole's pov. Stay tuned. Don't forget to vote and share my story.
Till next time. The story is also coming to an end. Like I said in the introductory chapter and description. It's a short story.
Okay bye now!💕

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