AWD || T H R E E

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It's been a month since I moved and a month since I started working at the café.
And safe to say, it has been great.
I've made a best friend, Sam.
Sam was very welcoming when I started working at the cafe. She taught me everything and in the process we became tight.

I was currently in the back room when Sam called out to me,
" Ava!!"
" Yeah?" I said walking up towards her.
" Boss wants to see you"
" Oh, my God! Did I do something wrong? I'm so scared"
To be honest, the manager, Catherine, was cool but I was panicking.

I went to the manager's office, and knock.
I heard a faint 'come in' before I cautiously walked in.

" You requested to see me, ma'am"

" Yes, Ava! No need to be scared! I just need you to have something delivered to KINGS CORP"

" Oh!" I said physically calming down"

" What is it," I asked

" I have a cup of coffee and some documents that I need you to give to my brother," she said pushing the said items forward.


" Ava, don't hand these documents to anyone. Request to see the CEO, my brother personally, and hand them to him. Don't worry, he's aware of your arrival"

I nod before picking the items up and leaving.
I get into my car and drive off to Kings Corp.
Upon getting there, I park accordingly and walk into the ridiculously tall building.

I walk up to the receptionist after getting past security and smile.
" How may I help you?" she asks returning the smile.

" I'm here to see Mr. King," I say

" Your name please"

" Ava. Ava Smith"

" Oh yes! Ava Smith. You can go right up to the 20th floor, and follow the same protocol with his secretary"

" Thank you"

I take the elevator to the 20th floor and step out.
I look to see the desk for his secretary empty and I decide to wait for him/ her to return.
Five minutes later, and no sign of them, so I walk towards his door and knock. I wait for a response but get none. So I knock again and go in.

" Oh, my God!!! I'm so sorry!!" I say covering my eyes with my hands and turning around.

I hear someone clear their throat and I turn round to see Cole. As in the Cole, I met at the gym. And beside him was his secretary I think. Fixing herself up.

What Wattpad shit is this

" I'm sorry again," I say

" Catherine said to give you this" I quickly say before dropping it and rushing out.

" Wait!" I hear as my hand touched the door.

" I turn round to find Cole staring right into my eyes.

" Leave us"
I watch as his secretary leaves the room but not before giving me a nasty glare.
Bitch, wtf?!
I stand by the door and admire him.
Damn, he looks so good in a suit. Like who the hell looks this good in a suit? And his hair looks like he just had sex, which he did.  And don't get me started on the light stubble he's sporting on his face. When I bring my gaze back to his, he's already smirking at me.

" Ava right?" I nod

" Use your words"

Who is this guy? Totally different from the one I first met.

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