1. The Abbey

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As she left her apartment and headed down the street to the bar where she had seen a "for hire" sign in the window, Lane prepared herself for any and all questions the manager may ask her during the interview she had set up the day before. Being new to Boston meant she was in desperate need of a job if she was going to be able to afford living in the area while putting herself through a doctorate degree. Even if she did have a considerable amount in her savings, Lane felt more comfortable being able to earn money while in school. She tugged at her clothes almost anxiously as she tried to straighten herself out before meeting her potential new employer. She took a few deep breaths before opening the door and leading herself inside and to the bar where a blonde woman stood by the cash register.

"Welcome to The Abbey. Can I help you?" the blonde asked as she turned her attention to her, her thick Boston accent sounding somewhat foreign to Lane's ears.

"Hello, I'm Lane. I had an interview with Summer?" Lane introduced herself to the woman across from her with a confident smile, ready to get this interview over with so she could get to work as soon as possible.

"Ah yes! That would be me. It's nice to meet you, Lane. Let's head to the back where it's a bit more quiet," Summer smiled before leading the redhead back to the office. "I assume you have a résumé?" she stopped at a slightly opened faded wooden door before turning to Lane, placing her hand on the door and beginning to push it open.

"Yes. It's right here!" Lane handed the papers to the woman in front of her before she was ushered into what looked like a break room for employees. She was then led to a smaller office with the word "MANAGER" on a plaque on the door.

Summer scanned over the front page before offering a seat to Lane and sitting down across from her, "It says here you worked at a bar in Virginia before. If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing all the way up north?"

Lane nodded before speaking, "I actually just graduated from undergrad and moved up here for grad school."

"Oh that's so nice! What are you studying?" Summer asked, leaning back in her chair and looking at the woman in front of her with interest.

"I'm getting my doctorate to become a lawyer. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do yet but I have always wanted to advocate for women's rights and bodily autonomy so I am thinking I will end up doing something along those lines," Lane's eyes lit up as she spoke. She had always been passionate about her desire to help others.

Summer smiled at her before looking down at the resume in front of her again. "You do have the experience for the job. Do you know what hours you would be able to work?"

Lane nodded, "I have a night class on Monday and Wednesday, but I would be able to work evenings every other day of the week."

"And would you be able to come in on short notice if needed?" Summer asked, taking in Lane's body language.

Lane sat back some, her shoulders still straight yet relaxed just a little, "I live right down the street. As long as I don't have anything else going on with school or family, I am more than happy to come in if needed."

"That's good. Also, I have to mention that it can get pretty busy in here with it being a college town and all. Do you think you can handle that?" Summer smiled sincerely at the redhead in front of her. There was no sign of rudeness in her tone as she questioned Lane, only wanting to make sure that she would be able to manage bartending and attending school at the same time.

Lane nodded once again, "It should not be a problem. I do well in fast paced environments."

"Well, you have the qualifications for the job. Your experience in bartending means it should not be too hard to train you, either. When can you start?" Summer looked from the resume back to Lane expectantly.

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