5. Perfect Together

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As Theo and Lane arrived at the entrance to the park, she could not help but notice how he had remained practically glued to her side, even in areas where the sidewalks were not very crowded. At times their arms would brush against each other, sending tiny jolts of electricity up her arm and through her body. She had never understood the power of a simple touch until today, from his hand resting on her back when they entered the museum to the times he would seemingly reach for her hand almost absentmindedly as they walked through crowded areas. Every time his body made contact with hers, her heart would thump ever so harder, her body's reaction leaving her so much more confused about the situation she found herself in. They had not spoken much, though she found herself wanting to hear more of his voice. The deep, smooth tone was enough to have her yearning to have it wrap around her, enveloping her in a sense of serenity she had never felt before. Even so, their shared silence did not bother her at all. In fact, it gave her time to mull over her thoughts, coming to the conclusion that she should talk to Brandy about it and get her opinion before Lane managed to worry herself sick over what could be nothing. Besides, Brandy had known Theo a long time. She would definitely be the one to talk to and get more information out of regarding the man that was currently beside the redhead.

Lane and Theo approached the area that Brandy had told them to meet her at, soon coming upon a face that had become familiar to Lane since moving into her apartment. She called out to her friend, alerting the brunette of their presence. Brandy spun towards the voice, a knowing smirk covering her face as she noticed that the two before her were rather close to her. "Oh my, if it isn't my new best friend and Mr. Grumpy Pants himself. I assume you two had a wonderful time at the museum," her smirk grew ever bigger at the sight of Lane's blush covering her cheeks.

Lane shook her head, chuckling slightly before speaking, "it was a lot of fun! We saw some really great pieces from some local artists."

Theo remained silent, only shaking his head at Brandy's nickname for him. "Where's Andy?" he spoke as the women in front of him hugged in greeting.

"Oh, he's over by the stage getting ready to go in. Oh, Lane! I forgot you haven't gotten to meet him yet. Come with me, he still has some time before he is supposed to go on," Brandy beamed before leading them over to a small canopy next to the stage, "Andy! Come here real quick!" A tall man with chocolate brown curls that Lane recognized from her visits to the coffee shop turned at the mention of his name. He promptly made his way over to the group, hugging Brandy from behind and kissing the top of her head before turning his attention to the two in front of him. "Lane, this is Andy. Singer, baker extraordinaire, and my boyfriend," Brandy smiled as she leaned into his touch.

"Oh, hey. You work at that cafe by the bar," Lane smiled as she greeted the man in front of her.

"And you must be Lane. Brandy cannot stop talking about the girl who knows how to make a perfect drink. But please, call me Andrew. She knows I hate it when she calls me that," Andrew smiled down at his girlfriend.

"It's funny! Our names rhyme that way, babe. Brandy and Andy, it's got a nice ring to it," Brandy chuckled.

"Of course it is, darling. Theo, mate. Wasn't expecting to see you here. I'm glad you came, nonetheless," the Irishman turned his attention to the man stood next to Lane.

Theo nodded, "yeah, we went to that museum down on 3rd street and Lane invited me since she was already heading this way after."

"Oh yeah, Brandy told me about that. She mentioned she may have threatened you lightly, whatever that means. Sorry she couldn't make it, Lane. My nerves have been shot nearly all morning," Andrew sent a sympathetic smile to the shorter redhead in front of him.

"Threats or not, I still had fun. Makes me want to see what else our little town holds," Theo looked down at Lane as he spoke, noticing another blush spreading across her cheeks.

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