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 I woke up curled in a ball, my thin fluffy-tipped tail curled tightly around my legs. I unraveled myself and looked around. Sunlight streamed down above the bakery, causing the alley I slept in to dimly glow against the hard stone cracked with age. Out of all the alleys in L'manburg, I chose this one as my 'home.' It was a good alley, no one came here except the worker Niki, but she only came to take the trash out and doesn't know I live here, she just assumes I hangout here after school, which is when she takes the trash out. Recently I've been working for her after school as well. She doesn't know I live here because where I sleep is on the other side of the small space in a shadowed corner.

I lifted myself to my feet, stumbling a bit. Searing pain came from my back but I ignored it. I know It wasn't good to keep my wings bound up and hidden, but with my weird looks I already get bullied, if people find out I'm avian I could actually get killed. I can't risk it. I swished my tail for balance, which I regained quickly. My cat-like feet pattered quickly down the alley, pain shooting up my leg with every step on my sore and bruised feet. I grabbed my gray backpack- it used to be blue, but dirt, tears, and overuse made it grayish. I glanced at the clock in the bakery as I passed it, seeing it was 8:10. I had 5 minutes to get to school.

I hurried down the sidewalk, keeping my head down and my tail wrapped around my right leg tightly as I ignored the odd looks i was being given. I crossed the street swiftly, ears down as I nervously eye the school. There's a lot of people... I hate large groups of people. Suddenly an older teen- a senior- pushed me as he walked by. "Move it freak." He snarled. I examined him as he turned around and joined his friend. I wolf hybrid by the looks of it. I sighed, looking up and examining the school again. The janitor must've cleaned the sign, because the Essempi high school shone a silvery gray outlined with green- our school colors.

The bell rung and I followed the large crowd into the large building and split off to go to my locker. Another day of high school... At least since I'm a sophomore I only have two more years left. I flicked my tail and opened my locker, looking at the schedule I had taped on the inside. Looks like math first. I sighed and grabbed my math book. I hate math.

I shut my locker, wincing and jumping back as my talon-like nails scraped across the cheap metal. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and winced as It thumped harshly against my wings. I walked out the school and leaned against the bike racks, waiting for my friends. I know, its a miracle I have friends. Tommy and Tubbo are brothers and also sophomores. They get bullied as well for being avians, but they tend to bully the bullies back so its kinda weird. Tommy was a energetic blond haired boy with sparkling diamond colored eyes. He was a Cockatoo avian, so he had red, orange, and white colored wings. Tubbo has grayish blue eyes with dark brown hair. He is a Yellow warbler avian, so he has yellow wings with lime tints and reddish feathers splashed here and there. He is typically energetic and happy but you don't want to get on his or his brother's bad side.

Finally I saw the two bright-eyed brothers walking out of the school, chatting happily away. They raced over to me, Tubbo hugging me and Tommy jumping and using his wings to propel himself onto my back. I swayed under the shorter boy's weight but managed to stay standing and not cry out loud in the pain it caused me for him to be on my probably severely hurt wings. It's fine, he doesn't know. I quickly hugged the small brunette before pushing his taller brother gently off my back. "We need to hurry to Nikis so I can get to my shift on time." I reminded them. The plan was for them to hangout at Nikis and order us something until I finish my two hour shift, then we'll go to their house for a sleepover. "Oh, right! We'd better hurry bossman!" Tubbo exclaimed, grabbing my hand. I just laughed and allowed the small boy to drag me to the bakery, which walking was ten minutes away. We eventually arrived, Tommy loudly entering.

Niki's bakery was a safe space, which was why I loved it so much. Lo-fi music played softly in the background, mixing with light chatter. Sunlight streamed through the large windows, lighting up the chill, modern yet earthy atmosphere. The smell of baked goods complemented the rest of the bakery and completed the chill vibe. Tommy and Tubbo walked over to a booth next to a window, receiving no odd looks might I add, because this is Niki's.

I walked over to the counter, smiling at Jack. Jack was Niki's friend and another employee here. He was kind. He has red and blue eyes, tan-ish skin, and pointed ears. He also has orange freckles and a warm aurora, signaling that he's a blaze hybrid. "Niki is in the back." Jack called. I nodded and went behind the counter, grabbing a golden lined silver apron and tying it over my dark blue hoodie before heading to the back. I was met with Niki putting a fresh batch of chocolate chip pumpkin cookies in the oven- my favorite. "Hey Ranboo! Do you want to try a cookie? I want to know if they taste alright." Niki smiled at my and gestured over to another batch of the cookies cooling on a counter. I smiled at her. She knows that the taste good, the always do, she just knows I love them.

I take a cookie and look at Niki. she had her hair pulled up in a messy bun, pink strands falling down to her face and complimenting her chocolatey eyes and the pastel scales scattered here and there. She had long sleeve shirt colored green, brown, and gray. She also had dark olive green cargo pants and blue adidas sneakers. I smiled at the axolotl hybrid again. "Thanks Niki."

(I make too many books, but this world needs more winged Ranboo. Sorry not sorry. Also, actually breaks in between paragraphs? Pog?)

Words: 1106

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