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 Tommy and Tubbo closed the door to the closet and bathroom so I could paint those, and also started un-personalizing the door. I guess I'm decorating that too. I swished my tail and examined the paints.

I picked out red and yellow because they're the brother's favorite colors, before picking white, pink, magenta, purple, and dark blue. I'm doing a sunset. I grabbed large paint brushes, cotton balls, the ladder, tape, gray and black paint, and decided that's all I'll need for now.

I set everything in the center of the room, laying the ladder down on the carpet. I grabbed some tape and taped all along where the wall meets the floor, preventing paint from getting on the carpet. Hopefully.

I dipped a paintbrush the size of my hand into the red paint and used my tall height the pant a good two feet and a half of wall about 5 feet off the floor red all along the walls. The ceiling was 7 feet off the floor so I had a lot to work with. Just under the red I painted the same amount of yellow, meaning I painted until the tape I had preventing me from messing up the carpet. I cleaned off the brush with the water and some paper towels before brushing along were the yellow and red meet with no paint on the brush, carefully blending the colors. I did this until I reached the ceiling, and found that I didn't need the ladder so I painted the ceiling navy blue. I ended up with yellow fading to red, red fading to magenta fading to purple, purple fading to navy blue. I added clouds and made the sun with the cotton balls, but by then it was 10 pm.

I stepped out of the room, gently closing the door behind me. Phil had gone to bed about an hour ago and Will and Tech had yet to show themselves, so I headed downstairs.

I heard Tommy and Tubbo loudly chasing each other with nerf guns when I headed down the last flight of stairs, so I decided to take advantage of my stealth. I carefully padded down the stairs, my injured cat-like paw-feet being shot with pain every step, but my toe beans provided silence. I stepped down from the last stair and quickly hid behind a half open door to a very dark closet. The two brothers were 'shooting' each other in the kitchen currently, so I grabbed a large nerf gun and crept down a hall than provided entrance to the back of the kitchen. I had learned to ignore the increasing pain from my wings, but my injured feet was recent so I'll have to wrap them later- I hate that I'm getting dried blood on their floor, plus its starting to bleed again.

I peeked my head through the door way. Tubbo was airborne, back to me, while Tommy was getting pelted with nerf bullets. His head was down to not get hit in the eye as they both laughed, so I silently climbed onto the cabinets. They had a small area above the cabinets under the ceiling, about a foot tall. I snuck Into the crept and watched the two brothers. They eventually put the guns down, sat down, and joked around, backs to me. I smiled. My tail swished slowly back and fourth like a cat about to pounce as my talon-ish clawed fingers slowly found their way to the trigger of the gun. Their guns were on the counter on the other side of the room. They were defenseless.

Short Tubbo's POV

Ranboo is a terrifying man. A 6'6 16 year old is not something you see everyday, especially when that 16 year old is littered with scars, can give a nasty death glare, and overall has a anxious yet somehow menacing stance. When I saw this man jump down on us with a gun firing nerf bullets I can admit with certainty that I screamed, and no one can make fun of me for it because that man is terrifying.

Ranboo Pov

I jumped down on my unsuspecting prey, an evil grin on my face. Tubbo screamed as I shot him in the forehead, It probably didn't help my red eye was facing them. I landed perfectly and Tommy burst out laughing as I stared Tubbo in the eye while shooting Tommy. After that fun little scare they eventually calmed down, although by that time it was 11. I convinced them to go to bed because Tubbo was falling asleep on my lap, so we all walked to the living room. Well, me and Tommy walked, I had to carry Tubbo.

I smiled at the sight of the bed. It was huge to say the least, and covered with a variety of purple blankets. Phil knows purple soothes me. I sighed in contentment as I put Tubbo down and flopped down on a particularly soft blanket. (Face first as to not hurt my wings too much.) Tubbo immediately clung onto me with closed eyes like a puppy as I rolled onto my side to face him. If Tommy climbed in between my legs and burrowed there like a kitten its not my place to say. Lets just say we all fell asleep comforted by each other's presence.

( being sick sucks. I feel like this is a bit rushed, how you guys feeling?

Words: ( a shorter one) 911- wait

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