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 I tossed my apron into the washing machine in the break room before waving bye to Niki and Jack. I usually have longer shifts, but on Fridays I only have two hour shifts so I can hang out with Tubbo and Tommy.

I went over to where Tubbo and Tommy were waiting. Tommy was halfway through a cherry and pomegranate smoothie, guaranteeing red stained teeth, and he also had a chocolate muffin. Tubbo had a hot coco with a banana nut muffin. Tubbo handed me a pumpkin latte with a pumpkin chocolate chip muffin. I smiled at him. The warmth from the latte and fresh muffin would counter the frosty weather outside. I pulled my hood up and tugged on the strings, successfully hiding my ears. I didn't feel like getting picked on right now, plus its cold. I grabbed a black and white mask from my pocket and put it on. Tubbo grabbed my right forearm (With much struggle due to, y'know, height) and Tommy grabbed my left forearm, successfully making it so I can't move. Well, except for eating and drinking (With a little struggle due to the fact drinking requires raising my arm a bit and Tubbo has a steel grip) and walking.

They pulled me down the sidewalk, crossing the road occasionally, until the about 30 min walk came to an end. We approached the nice light gray house- we were now in one of the areas of the city with houses instead of buildings, but it was still very much L'manburg. Typically only rich-ish people live in these houses with nice green lawns protected by the surrounding nicer buildings. Rich people such as Philza minecraft or Phil, Tubbo and Tommy's dad. I don't think anyone ever calls him 'dad' or 'Mr. Minecraft' though, because I've never heard his sons call him anything but Phil, Philza, or dadza occasionally, while when I tried to call him Mr. minecraft he just laughed (Not in a mean way, that's not his style) and said I can just call him Phil.

Tommy unlocked the door with a house key from his cherry red backpack, slightly opened it, and proceeded to 'kick the door open.' "WE'RE HOME AND WE BROUGHT THE BOOB MAN!!!!" he called. I sighed at the nickname, used to it by now. I pulled off my hood and pocketed my mask, recognising that this was a safe space after going here every friday for a sleepover for 3 years.

Phil walked down the hall wearing a green kimono and a green striped white bucket hat. Nothing unusual. He was a crow avian. It was severally unusual, unheard of even, for an entire family to inherit the avian DNA and grow wings, yet here this family is- a living legend. "Hey Ranboo! Techno and Will are in their room I think, so you don't have to worry about them. You boys can get set up however you'd like."

Techno blade minecraft and Wilbur soot minecraft are seniors and twins. Despite popular belief Tommy and Tubbo are not twins like their older brothers, Tommy is 10 months younger than Tubbo, who Is four months older than me. Techno is a Great Horned Owl avian, making him a carnivore. Avian carnivores can only eat meat without getting severely sick, same with herbivores basically being vegan. Wilbur got it better though and is a Eurasian magpie, which is an omnivore, meaning he can basically can eat anything edible- if he wanted to he could eat from a dumpster. Wilbur has black wings fading into a beautiful blue and always keeps his wings sleek and shining, while Techno has beautiful russet wings with white and black speckles, and, like his twin, keeps his wings neat and sleek.

-I have no idea what avian I am, and definitely do not keep care of my wings considering they are tightly bound to my back with gauze, covered in blood, and probably haven't seen the sunlight in at least five years. Nor have I touched them In five years.-

Techno also has pink hair like Niki, but his also has red streaks. He has scars from his fencing class and other fighting classes, but overall is similar to me mentally and we have almost the same monotone-ish voice. Wilbur is a musician and has short curly brown hair that frames his face perfectly. He usually smushes some of it under a red beanie but never fully covers it. He also has circular glasses and typically has a guitar within a few feet of him. Overall the twins get along perfectly and if they weren't brothers they would be best friends.

Me, Tommy, and Tubbo headed upstairs. Tubbo and Tommy share a room while Wilbur and Techno share another room, although they don't have to considering this house is huge. I'm not joking when i say Phil genuinely asked me if I wanted my own room because I'm over so much- and he wasn't teasing me or anything, he was being serious. This family's house is basically a mansion- we had to go up two flights of stairs to get to Tommy and Tubbo's room. This family is kind, rich, caring, sweet- the only reason everyone isn't asking to be their friends is because they're avians. I think avians are just hated because everyone is jealous that avians can fly and they can't.

We open the yellow and red door painted with bees and raccoons. The walls were painted red fading to yellow, and typically sunset colored curtains hanged from the windows while two loft beds stood on either side of the huge room, both made of wood, not cheap metal. Typically more curtains hung under the loft beds creating their own little areas while fiery lights were strung inside the little areas, illuminating the desks underneath. Typically LED lights were around the part of the walls where they meet the ceiling. I say typically because everything had been removed- now blank while walls covered the unnecessarily large room.

The only thing that was usual was the walk on closet with Tommy's, Turbo's, and even my clothes because Phil had bought me some after seeing I only wore the same outfit. I passed it off as my mom being too poor (I pretended my dad was dead so I only had to pretend to have one more parent than i actually had) Phil had insisted on getting me things, which I kept here.

"Where's your guys' stuff?" I asked. Tommy smirked at me with shining eyes so I turned to Tubbo. He smiled brightly at me but actually answered. "Weeeell, a certain pretty boy is always depressed and such, so we know you like to do art, painting and stuff, so you get to paint our room!" I paused for a good 13 seconds to let my brain process before I smiled and hugged Tubbo. He laughed and Tommy laughed as well when he saw my tail swishing back and forth, threatening to give anyone who got in it's way a nasty bruise.

I giggled and let go of Tubbo before turning to Tommy and hugging him, which was much easier because I didn't have to pick him up to properly hug him considering he's only 6'1, meaning 5 inches shorter than me, instead of Tubbo who is 5'6, a foot shorter than me. "Thank you!!" I cheered.

Tubbo gestured to a pile of art supplies in the corner left of the door. I looked at it and gasped- large paint containers of every color of the rainbow was accompanied by several different paint brushes, cotton balls, tape, a white apron, a ladder, a bucket of water, paper towels, and other things. "Phil wants to know If your mom is okay with you staying over for at least a week- you also can get us new things- be our little... er, big, interior designer." he grinned. "What happened to your old stuff?" I asked. "Garage sale- everything but our favorite stuff and gaming set ups at least. We don't have too many things we actually care about and We've been needing to get rid of our old toys for a while now. All our things we kept are in a guest room and we can sleep in the living room- Phil already set up two queen sized blow up mattresses and pushed them together to create one big one." I hugged each of them again. I couldn't believe it.

"Alright, I'll get to work then."

(Me- multitasking playing Roblox, writing this, and being sick.)

Words- 1427

Winged- Ranboo auWhere stories live. Discover now