11 1 1

I woke up to light finding its way through red, orange, white, and green tinted yellow feathers. My eyes widened as I panicked. Where was I? My wings fluffed and I winced as the sudden movement tore the fragile skin and reopened wounds. Suddenly I remembered where I was and laughed softly before gently peeking my head out of the cocoon Tommy and Tubbo had created around me.

The feathers tickled my nose as I poked my head through a small gap in the cocoon. I looked around, seeing Tommy and Tubbo laying on their sides facing me, asleep. They had their wings positioned so that I was laying on Tommy's left one and Tubbo's right (They must have stronger wings then I do for that to not hurt, though I think even a new fledgling has stronger wings than me.) While their other wings covered me In a protective manner. Wilbur was on the couch, laughing at no doubt the pictures he had taken to blackmail his brothers- he likes me too much to blackmail me. I turned my head a bit, trying not to sneeze as feathers tickled me, and saw Techno on the other couch scrolling through his phone, his sleek russet wings neatly and purposefully folded.

I burrowed back into my cocoon and poked Tommy, who immediately woke up. "Whas?" he mumbled. I gestured to the cocoon I was trapped in and he poked Tubbo with his wing, who took a few pokes to wake up. Eventually they moved their wings and let me slip out so they could get up. I quickly excused myself to go to the bathroom and swiftly went up to the floor Tommy and Tubbo lived on.

I grabbed my backpack and unzipped the main compartment before moving a few library books and a flap to reveal a medium sized secret waterproof compartment. I kept things I need In here, but small enough things, like a roll of gauze, a small container of water, a pocket knife I may or may not have stolen, a second flashlight, batteries, my phone charger in a plastic bag, small med supplies, a lock pick, some granola bars, and a picture of me, Tubbo, and Tommy. I smiled softly at the picture before quickly grabbing the gauze. I went to the bathroom and sat on the counter around the sink. I adjusted my feet before gently turning the faucet on and letting the cold water run down my sore and bloody feet. I sighed as It washed the wounds clean from dried blood before I grabbed the black gauze and wrapped them. The gauze was black so that no one could see the blood on it. I flushed the toilet to make my 'using the bathroom' thing believable before washing my hands and the sink of flakes of the dried scarlet substance.

I left and scurried downstairs, going up behind Tommy and just messing with his hair. I take pride In being the only one allowed to do this. His curly golden locks fell through my fingers as I combed through his hair. I sighed, flicking my tail. I watched nervously as flakes of dried blood that had been absorbed by the fluff that is my tail fell to the floor. Techno obviously noticed, as he sniffed the air and his pupils slightly dilated at the scent, but when he realized it was near me his eyes became concerned. "Are you bleeding?" he asked, coming to inspect the scent. Phil isn't up yet so I only had to deal with Techno, Wilbur, Tubbo, and Tommy. "Oh- I-I scraped my foot a day ago, some blood must've gotten in my tail." I said. It was true at least, but it's more likely the blood fell from my wings, down my back, and onto my tail.

I bit my tongue as everyone shrugged and went back to eating. "Ya should wear shoes, though I guess yer mum's too poor for 'em." Tommy noted. "Tommy!" Wilbur scolded. "I wasn't trying to be mean!" Tommy protested. I sighed as the brothers began to bicker. Tubbo tugged on the sleeve of my dirty blue hoodie- I really should clean it and change into one of the ones Phil bought me. I looked down at the dark haired brunette. He gestured to my clothes as If thinking the same thing.

I followed him as he took me upstairs, allowing him to tug my sleeve even though it rubbed uncomfortably against my possibly still bleeding wings. He led me to the hallway outside his room, told me to stay, and went inside. I swished my tail slowly until he came back carrying gray sweatpants and a blue t-shirt. I eyed the t-shirt and shook my head. He huffed. "Come on, It's going to be too warm for another hoodie today- wow the weather is weird, it was freezin' yesterday- but anyway! Please?" He begged me, blue eyes widening as he looked at me. I shook my head firmly, feeling bad. He sighed and went back, returning with a white hoodie with black stripes. I took the hoodie and went to the laundry room, locking the door. I changed and threw my clothes in the washer before coming downstairs because Tubbo had left.

I ran my fingers through my fluffy golden tinted dirty blonde hair as I jogged down the stairs. Tommy pulled me over to the living room and handed me a Nintendo controller. Tubbo was sitting nearby. Tommy smirked at me. "Ready to lose, Ranboob?" he asked, wings fluttering slightly behind him. I smiled. I always won- especially against him.

(Sry for the break in writing.)

Words: 935

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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