Chapter I

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28th of February, 2009.

A classroom was filled with rays of sunshine, kissing the faces of each student found in the room. Their faces were down on their papers, concentrating silently with a few odd expressions of boredom and confusion found. The sounds of scribbling, tearing, scrunching and clicking were present around the rooms vast atmosphere. The classroom smelt old and thick, like it had been present since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution; yet this time it had children frustrated over a test rather than hard labour.

The bell filled the room of silence, allowing more sound to upsurge as children collected their bags filled with books as heavy as bricks. Each one handed in their paper at the front desk, some leaving in a hurry to rejoice with their friends; others had said their thanks and left with wide yawns.

I sat down, collecting the papers at my desk filled with unique patterns and adorable little succulent plants. A paper had slipped from my grasp, and I bent down to grab it from the floor. There were pieces of fabric fibres darted across the grey vinyl tile flooring, alongside small balls of paper buried underneath the groaning desks.

Sighing, I picked up the fallen paper placing it back onto the pile and carefully placing them all in a folder. With another swift motion, I hopped on my laptop and began to draft another email towards the headmistress.

Hello Daniella,
I am writing again to you as I'm displeased with the lack of effort the cleaning staff does towards my classroom. I don't enjoy making a hassle out of things, however it has been a few weeks since my last email and I haven't found any further improvement towards the sanitary of my textiles classroom. Please may you ensure that they aren't purposefully ignoring my classroom as I do teach a creative subject and we will have some sort of mess always found. Like I have stated in my previous email, I do encourage my class to clean up after themselves though I still need the helping hand of a cleaner.

Kind regards,
[Y/N] [L/N].

"What a nuisance I've found myself into." I thought to myself, exhaling as I click 'send'. Teaching young students is a passion of mine, and I enjoy teaching others about something I love. I had always enjoyed textiles when I used to be in school, with fond memories of my exchange into a Japanese high school. However, I never realised how much work issues you tend to find yourself in.

As I shut down the laptop, packing it back in its case, the door to my classroom had opened in a instantaneous manner. I motioned my head upwards to find Mr Collins at my door, with another of his contagious smiles.

"[Y/N]! Oh, how I missed you... my biology class was chaotic today." He sulks, with his face crumpling, giving off those goofy sad faces you'd normally find in emojis.

"Don't even want to hear it Terrence, you know the cleaners? They still haven't done jackshit for my classroom, and it just still feels like an ancient tomb." I groaned, picking up my bags and leaning on the front of my desk, towards Terrence. He was a tall black man, with a polished duke hairstyle and an amazing personality.

"That's nothing! Get this, Mike was messing around again right? You know what the crazy boy does? He flips over the table like a madman! That boy needs some serious spanking to be done by his parents. To god, I'd even dress up as his mother and seduce his father to do it myself!" We both laugh hysterically together, whilst painfully remembering my childhood memories of my parents telling me off.

As we calm ourselves down, I wipe a tear running down my cheek from all the laughter and clear my throat. "I'd best be off now, I need to go back home and see how Jolyne's coming along after all that business she's been in."

Terrence nods at my words with a soft smile. "I hope that girl gets better. You're a good mother [Y/N], keep being there for her." My cheeks were flushed with a pink tone, feeling flattered to know how well I'm doing as a single mother to raise up miss troublemaker.

I thanked him for his time, and waved goodbye before rushing over towards my car. It was just a cheap red ford with a few dents that I managed to save up some money for to buy, and a car Jolyne had often used. Sometimes for the good, and unfortunately, sometimes for the bad.

I hopped inside the antique vehicle, feeling the rough leather of the steering wheel as it breathed its dilapidated breaths. My hands had begun to move on their own as their turned on this monster and it began to wheel itself out onto the highway. Time for the highway hypnosis to kick in...

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I pulled up the vehicle on the driveway of our bungalow. It was moderately sized, however it still had it's joyful homey feeling that was presented whenever you walk inside. Unfortunately, teacher wages had not been so pleasant towards me to find something better than this, and I had been saving most of the compensation from the divorce for Jolyne's future or emergencies.

I stepped onto the porch, and rattled through the assortment of keys I held until I found myself the appropriate key. Slipping it into the keyhole, I twisted and opened the door before locking it behind me.

"Jolyne~! Mummy's back!" I shouted from across the hallway, whilst hanging up my green coat onto the hangers. I could hear the pattering of footsteps from above move towards the stairs, the sounds shifting volume the closer they got.

"Mum!" Jolyne yelped, hugging me tightly in her warm embrace. Her green hair with blonde streaks was down this time, and she wore some comfortable black and blue clothing suitable for the cold weather. I brushed her hair with my hand, kissing her head softly. "Mummm! I'm not a kid anymore." She broke away from our hug, crossing her hands with a little pout. Yet, her cheeks turned to a vibrant pink.

"Whatever you say, old woman." I shrugged and she playfully hit my shoulder at my words with a little snort escape her mouth. "Now, let's fill up our bellies, I'm sure you're famished as well as I am." I spoke smoothly, and my [E/C] eyes were filled with sparks of exultation as her face became even more joyful as before.

I began to prepare a delicious Chili con carne for the two of us, the strong aroma filling up the room causing our mouthes to salivate with hunger. Finally, the dish was prepared and we both sat down together, like mother and daughter as Jolyne discussed her new relationship with a boy named 'Romeo'. I just hope this will finally be the one for my Jolyne, and not another one of those disgusting brutes.

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Salutations my dear readers. I decided to stay up late in order to finish up this chapter, ensuring it is the best start off to the book. I had been struggling finding motivation for myself on starting up this part 2, however I'm glad that I'm over my phase of writer's block and can finally begin to make progression in this book.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I ensure you that Jotaro will return soon! So don't be put off by this book upon the fact we didn't see him. It's all about setting the scene first.

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