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The Puppeteer and the Puppet

Pagod ako

Philippines stood holding a file as ASEAN talks to him about something important as Russia stood by waiting, Philip being the main pillar when it comes to work meant always being the one asked for something which meant not much time was Philip always been able to give Russia

As Philip listens and nods his head at what ASEAN says, Russia waited patiently to ask Philip to go out later just like before though not like Russia was expecting a yes as the entire work building was bombarded with work the following month

Russia was quite worried months ago of what happened to Philip with Spain, he was glad upon the organizations soon took care pf it otherwise he would've shred the man into pieces if they didn't

ASEAN then continued to ask Philip to do something as he then also tells Philip the current work and needed and what projects will have to be made soon " This is really quite alot, as you are the main pillar here along with others can you do this for me? " Philip just nods with a soft smile

" Lead everything to me, ill take care of it! the designs, budget, plans and everything will be on me! " Philip says softly as ASEAN patted Philippines as a thank you " Thanks champ, im glad you also recovered from the incident with spain.. how's the scar? "

Philip smiles as he spoke softly " Its fine.. I am okay now.. " Russia then puts his hand on Philip's shoulder as ASEAN nods and spoke " Oh its time for me to leave, ill see you soon Philip! " ASEAN soon walks out of the room as Russia clears his throat catching Philip's attention

" I know you've been very busy lately but.. " Russia says softly and quietly as Philip raised a brow " Can we go out later? its fine if you can't I understand your bu- " " Sure Ruski! "

Russia was caught off guard when Philippines actually agreed to going out later with Russia " Really?.. " Russia asked abit surprised as Philip smiled at him " There's so much work lately.. nothing is more refreshing than taking a break with my beloved! "

Russia's face turned abit red as Philip made Russia lean down to kiss his cheek before waving goodbye at Russia as he walks away to go to his office leaving Russia in the hallway with a red tinted face

" Well done Philippines. " Germany says patting Philip's shoulder who smiles softly at Germany " Seriously bud congrats, im quite proud of you buddy! I mean.. in just one year under your president's rule your country became rank 32th in Military! "

Philip giggles as Germany continued to speak " Being number one at most fastest growing economy in ASIA and having the highest being number one in GDP in the entire ASIA? congrats! " Philip smiles softly

" Eh it was all my president's work.. " Philip giggled out as Germany soft smiles before speaking " Well you had some parts in it! so still.. Congrats Dude! " Philip smiles softly looking down as they walked together

The two friends enjoyed the comforting silence throughout the hallway as they walked together, the two hadn't been together in a long time nothing but a good comforting silence as they walk together is comforting

Germany's eyes look over at Philippines who kept his head up and kept his composure walking decently and calmly as Germany's curious eyes kept glancing at Philip

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