The Sight Test

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7:30am, 3rd POV

As bakugou walks the halls of UA high, something feels off. The people? No. The voices? No.. The walls? Yes. They seem different. Katsuki stops in the middle of the hall and looks around at the walls around him. They weren't their usual white with windows, they were black..and windowless. Did someone remodel? He hasn't hear about that. "What do you see?" A strange and unfamiliar voice asked. "Darkness." He said back. Katsuki pulls this headphones out of this ears and feels around. He can't see anything. What was going on?! He felt a shove of his shoulder. "What the hell?!" Katsuki said.    "Why are you stopped in the middle of the halls? Schools about to start." An upperclassman said. Wait. He was...back? The walls, they looked normal. And the people were back! What in the actual hell had just happened. Katsuki had this weird feeling. He couldn't quite describe it, but the closest he could get was uneasy. Like there were eyes watching him no matter where he went. But these eyes weren't eyes of his upperclassmen. They weren't anyone's. They were just there. Katsuki tried to shake off the feeling as best as he could and continued to his class. He got to the 1A door and pushed it open. All eyes were on him. He hated that feeling. But he wouldn't let it show. They'd think he was weak. "You're late, again." Aizawa Sensei said. "Whatever."

After class, Bakugous POV

Shitty hair and dunce face walked over to me. Ugh, annoying. "Hey Bakubro, everything alright? This is the 3rd time you've been late this week, and it's only Wednesday." I have shitty hair a glare. "Fuck off." "Wow bro, kiri was just asking, chill." Dunce face stated. I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get to lunch." I say, half to be dropping the conversation. We walk into the lunch room and it was as crowded, loud, and annoying as usual. We walk over to the lunch line and hop in. I grab a tray and pick my option of lunch. Todays choices were either Onigiri with rice, or curry. I of course picked the curry option. Once I had gotten my food and sides, I headed over to the seasoning bar. The made sure to put a lot of spice in my curry. That's just the way I like it. We sit at a table with the rest of the bakusquad. I start to eat my curry, uninterested in what mina and Sero are talking about. Then I feel it again. It's like someone is using their laser eyes and burning holes into the back of head. I quickly turn around to find no one look at me or even remotely close to me. Jirou looks over, a semi-concerned look on her face. "You good Kat?" She asks. I'm still not used to the nickname. "Fine." I reply and continue eating. The rest of them continue their conversations.

After lunch is training. We all head to the locker rooms. Part of my hero costume had to be fixed so I had to wear our old training uniforms. (Idk what they are called but they're the blue ones😭.) I look around and see that I am the last one in the locker room. Then the room goes black. Fuck, I hate the dark. I start to feel around, hopping and can find the door and this will all be over. But unfortunately I can't find it. Then a little light appears just a few feet away. I start walking towards it. Someone is watching me, I just know it. Once I get to the light I feel a cold breezing run past me. I quickly spin around to get a quick glimpse at a figure. I look back at the light. There's a note. That was definitely not there before. I open it. It reads...
"Wake up. Bakugou. Bakugou! BAKUGOU!" My eyes snap open. I see kirishima in front of me. He looks worried. "Dude, what's taking you so long? We've already started training. It's not sleeping class." He flash me his sharp toothed smile and chuckles a bit. "Cmon" he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me out. For training we are being partnered up. Aizawa won't tell us what we will be doing, just that we need to get in pairs. Shitty hair tooks over at me and gives me a puppy eyed look. I roll my eyes. "I guess." Kirishima starts showing his big smile and puts his arm around me. "We make a great team!" He says. And before I can reply back, Aizawa is talking. "You will be going against your partner." Sweet. Kiri's face drops. A start smirking. "What we're you saying about being a great team?"

After training, 3rd POV

After training, 1A starts heading back to the dorms. "Everyone! May I please have your attention!" Iida says. "We will be having a study session!" Uraraka says. "Ew" bakugou says and walkout out of the lounge and to his room. Deku smiles. "I knew that would get him out. Tomorrow is Kacchan's birthday! We are gonna make him a cake!" Class 1A starts talking about their ideas. "Whatever design we do, we should make something spicy! He loves spicy. When he was little, for his 10th birthday, he had a spicy bowl of curry for his cake." Deku announces. The room starts filling up with laughter. Back in bakugous room, he is scrolling on his phone when he  hears a bunch of giggling coming from the common room. "What the hell is so funny about studying?" He sighs and rolls his eyes. He continues to scroll on instagram, when he sees a post that says, "wake up bakugou." He clicks on the profile but an error message pops up, saying this account doesn't exist. When he goes back to find the post, it's gone. "What the hell..." bakugou turns off his phone and goes to sleep, still having that feeling of being watched.

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