Chapter Two - Rescue Mission

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Two scientists wearing fully protective gear carefully wrote down notes as they prepared for a DNA test they were about to run. There was a body stripped clean of any clothes laying in a test tube made of strong bullet proof glass with two metal shieldings on each end. The person laid motionless and void of any life. The test was an experimental idea the government had been toying with for the past 5 years. This experiment was to alter the heart and brain cells in a person's body so they could keep humans alive past the usual time someone would be pronounced dead. "On three." One scientist prepared the other who already had his hand on the module, ready to commence the machine. "1.." He started. The scientist at the module was admittedly nervous. A different group of scientists tried it a year ago and according to outside sources it was a disaster... but it's classified... So he was worried they could face the same fate the other scientists did a year ago. "2.. 3.." He announced finally as the scientist pulled the lever and quickly pressed the big red button directly below it. The sounds of roaring engines filled the room as steam already was pouring out from the vents building up on the tube, fogging the glass. "Please.. Please.." Muttered the scientist at the module as he started anxiously gripping his hand tightly making a fist. The other man tried to keep his composure but was also very visibly getting stressed just hoping this would go well. He rubbed his palm on his forehead repeatedly. Two robotic arms moved slowly from the side and above the tube that was holding the body. Two holes by the chest and head opened in the tube so the arm could go in. Two robotic clamps from the end of the arm held tightly onto a needle that was aimed directly above the heart. Two more robotic clamps held the needle for the brain. In unison, they both slowly injected the needle deep into the skin tissue until it was fully submerged. From between the clamps, a small cylinder about two times the radius of the needle came forward from within the arm. It pushed the top of the needle down until all of the serum was fully injected in the lifeless body. The arms retreated as all systems slowly fired down. The steam began to clear, making the inside of the tube visible. Both patiently, yet eagerly waited to see if the patient would be successfully revived. Nothing but silence stood between the corpse and the two scientists. But nothing happened, as much as they wanted it to. It failed, clearly. "It's a bust." The one scientist said, causing them both to get discouraged as he went up to the tube and unlocked it, preparing to dispose of the body. "Wait." The other scientist said, urgently as he'd just seen movement from the body. The patient's hand slowly twitched before fully reanimating. The first scientist ignored him though, as his moral was too low to give a shit. He just sat solemnly against the tube after unlocking it. The second scientist was too in shock to warn his partner that the patient was now climbing out on its own. "Bouchard, go get the body bag-" The scientist by the tube ordered right as he got cut off by an unimaginable pain in his left shoulder. He looked back and saw the test patient behind him chewing on his flesh. He shrieked in pain as he fell to the ground bleeding profusely while trying to cover his shoulder. The walker immediately jumped on top of him and started biting into his face. It ripped out chunks of his cheek and one of his eyeballs. He screamed louder than he had ever before. Bouchard didn't know what to do as he felt a little bit of pee wet his pants. He froze up. His partner laid dead on the floor gushing blood from his face and shoulder. 'What is even going on?' He thought to himself, trying to actually make sense of what he witnessed. He had to make a decision, though before he was gonna end up just like his co worker. The walker got up from his body and turned to Bouchard, slowly making its way in his direction. He grabbed a steel rod to defend himself. He smacked the walker over the head and it fell to the ground with a cave in it's skull. Bouchard thought he was all safe before looking over to his partner's body to see he was face to face with his reanimated co worker as he bit down on Bouchard's throat.

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